What is your top 3 console's that never made it?

1. Dreamcast
2. VMU (dreamcast memory unit)

ok, joking, the VMU was probably the worst attempt ever made to serve as some type of handheld system.
the dreamcast was awsome though - speed devils was the best racing game ever made
Glowstick said:
1. Dreamcast
2. VMU (dreamcast memory unit)

ok, joking, the VMU was probably the worst attempt ever made to serve as some type of handheld system.
the dreamcast was awsome though - speed devils was the best racing game ever made
tne vmu was amazing, i think downwitaclown would agree with me on this it was a precursor to the gc, when they hooked the gba up to the system and displayed things on it that werent on screen
oh, as a screen in the controller you're right, it was amazing. i'm talking about how sega tried to promote that it had standalone capability.
DocMoc said:
Sega Dreamcast

Sega Dreamcast

Sega Dreamcast

Yeah I'll have to go with that one...unless the Phantom counts that one didn't even make it 0 years and we ALL new that was going to take over the world.

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