What game do you think has the most realized virtual world?


I still think it's Oblivion. Sure, it's pretty clunky in some of the interfaces and whatnot, but that first moment when emerging from the prison sewers is still unparalleled in my opinion. The vastness and freedom is completely overwhelming at first, which is why some people give up on the game before they even get started.

I haven't played GTA: San Andreas, but opinions and reviews lead me to believe that it may rival Oblivion.
I'm a big, big fan of Ivalice from Final Fantasy Tactics. It's being constantly built upon in sequels and FFXII, and houses some of the more unique races, creatures, and kingdoms in any Final Fantasy game.

I'm also going to agree with you that the Morrowind/Oblivion world of Tamriel is pretty neat. Like Ivalice, it has lots of different races, regions, and conflicts, but it's kind of aping Lord of the Rings a bit too much. I do like the fact that it feels so lived-in, though. I could imagine being a merchant or slave there - which is commendable, because in most RPGs you can only imagine being the hero that you are.
Final Fantasy XII is actually my favorite game of the series. I was completely enthralled for 150 hours. :D
I actually just picked up Oblivion and was blown away by the fact that the world is so open and each house and each room is so specialized.

I think the one thing they need to do is make the world be made up of more than 16 year-olds to the elderly.
Realized.. as in realistic? Far Cry 2. The environment reacts to everything you do.. you can shoot bullets through houses and burn underbrush and such. But Red Faction would win in terms of real-ness, as in you can blow up walls and stuff - like it would be in real life. Too bad I can't stand either game.
Oblivion is the most impressive. But I think there's still a lot to be done, you know, adding the 'intelligence' to 'artificial intelligence.'
keepithowitis said:
Realized.. as in realistic? Far Cry 2. The environment reacts to everything you do.. you can shoot bullets through houses and burn underbrush and such. But Red Faction would win in terms of real-ness, as in you can blow up walls and stuff - like it would be in real life. Too bad I can't stand either game.

No, I don't mean most realistic. I mean, a virtual world which seems almost real, despite the fact that it isn't real. You become completely immersed in the world/fiction/lore.
I might have to agree that it could be Oblivion, for me. Coming out of the sewers for the first time and seeing these huge green hills, mountains, trees, water, the sky etc... it was a really "wow" kind of movement, and the environment was just absolutely massive and beautiful to look at.

Far Cry 2 is close, or perhaps a tie with Oblivion. It's huge, looks great and just kinda feels like you're actually out there, you know? It does a convincing job, plus the realism in the environment is pretty top notch.

but as for immersion and "holy crap" effective, probably Oblivion! :p
For immersion, Fallout. I mean, I'm really into this game at the moment, but still, it's completely sucking me in. Exploring the wastes is probably one of the funnest things i've done in a game in a while.
Fallout has an really interesting virtual world. What the heck, I want to live there being the official Mirelurk meat provider.
I'd go for Fallout 3.

Oh and i'd like to live there and be an official Mole Rat skinner. I'd just sit down, think about my life in the wastes and skin Mole Rats that the people of the wastes bring me. Ahhh, Summer.
Oblivion with high res textures and the HDR+AA trick.
It's so utterly big and incredibly realistic looking it's scary to intimidating.
everything around you looks so big and real, it's like getting the exact opposite of claustrophobia with a screen under 30"s.
I'd have to say GTA IV is pretty good... Soaring up in a helicopter to gaze out onto the many skyscrapers and watching the virtual sunrise moments before jumping out of my aircraft just to see my character kick and flail and scream as he hurdles toward the earth at terminal velocity, with me anxiously waiting for the satisfying thud.... It's a pretty amazing thing. (And if you have this game and haven't tried this, hurled yourself into traffic, or driven a vehilce off of a high building, I would highly reccomend it. But honestly... Who hasn't done all three?)
what about shadow of the colossus for the good old ps2? i wouldnt say that world feels lived in because its meant to be a desolate and forboding holy place that know one is to set foot on but when your riding across the plains it feels like your in some forgotten ancient world
jivesc00ter said:
what about shadow of the colossus for the good old ps2? i wouldnt say that world feels lived in because its meant to be a desolate and forboding holy place that know one is to set foot on but when your riding across the plains it feels like your in some forgotten ancient world

I actually have that game laying here, but I've never played it. I found it at Kmart in the bargain bin for 20 bucks a month or so ago.

I'm hoping to find Heavenly Sword in a bargain bin sometime, but alas it hasn't happened yet. :(

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