Ubi's new DRM system


... makes me wish to put a bullet through their skulls, hearts and asses.

Seriously ... I mean, WHAT THE HELL?

PC Gamer reports on the status of the PC edition of Assassin's Creed II, which relies on Ubisoft's brand new DRM system, which we've reported about earlier. According to the report, this particular brand of DRM is one of the worst you're about to lay your hands on. In future, while playing Ubi's games, you need an active Internet Connection at all times. The game immediately quits if the Internet Connection is lost (???). In other words, your game quits and you lose progress.

For a game that doesn't even have an online component, well not yet at least (maybe with the upcoming multiplayer modes and shit... but still, c'mon guys, this is too much).

Here's the word: "We've just received Assassin's Creed 2 and Settlers VII for review, and verified with Ubisoft that the DRM is the same as the boxed product. If you get disconnected while playing, you're booted out of the game. All your progress since the last checkpoint or savegame is lost, and your only options are to quit to Windows or wait until you're reconnected."

"The game first starts the Ubisoft Game Launcher, which checks for updates. If you try to launch the game when you're not online, you hit an error message right away. So I tried a different test: start the game while online, play a little, then unplug my net cable. This is the same as what happens if your net connection drops momentarily, your router is rebooted, or the game loses its connection to Ubisoft's 'Master servers'. The game stopped, and I was dumped back to a menu screen - all my progress since it last autosaved was lost."

If you didn't read it yet on the GR frontpage. :)
And as usual those who buy the game from the company will get violated from behind while those who download the pirated release (which will probably have the DRM stripped and replaced by an unintrusive workaround) will get to enjoy the game without the unhealthy dose of bullshit.

I wish companies would follow stardock's example and forego copy protection altogether... Request a valid serial for updates and online content and leave the physical portion of the game alone. It will get cracked anyway, won't stop the pirates at all, and will just bring grief to those who buy a legit copy.
Srsly. If anything, they're ASKING to be pirated heavily. Fuck it, Ubisoft's DRM is basically mounting all our respective genitalia, pleading us to not buy their games and wait for a crack and torrent so we can just play for free. Or maybe they're trying to have us buy the console versions (seeing as PC gamers are getting the ass end of AC2 anyway). Either way, they're just hurting themselves.
Actually Blizzard is already implanting a DRM like this. Though it suck when you have a game underway and then BAM, you lose the internet for one sec and you lose everything.

That's why I like Steam. There is an offline mode for things like this.

This will only make people pirate the game more and they will blame low sale on pirate.

Hell, I'm a pirate (some games not worth buying) and this is not even worth to pirate.

Sad age we live in.....

And pirates are going to crack it within a week, thus making it pirateable.

It's going to be downloaded by everyone, and ubisoft are going to get no sales, ala EAs 'SecuRom'.
In the end, the pirates win. They always do. Then we, the players, will lose. When will Ubi or EA understand this?

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