Tragedy in Aurora during Dark Knight Rises midnight showing

Optimus-Crime said:
Lien said:
Stopping the political flames war in this topic to bring back the topic on hand

Last night I dreamed President Barack Obama visited my old high school on my graduation day to give a short speech at the flagpoles. I had broke away from old high school friends to get a closer look at the president as he was headed toward the senior parking lot. I stood on the school's front stairs with a gathering of onlookers and waving well-wishers. For a moment, our eyes locked and I waved at him, yelling out, "Thank you for coming!" I immediately began to cry, he smiled back and then he began to cry too. Then he knelt down and quickly mourned some dead forgotten students lost in some dead forgotten war at what seemed to be the Dead Forgotten Student Walk Memorial, which ran alongside the parking lot. He then stepped onto one of his two cell-shaded HD transformers, which he piloted himself: one was part Gobots Command Center, part Transformers Jetfire, the other a humongous robotic monkey. And how he piloted both transports from the Gobots command center, I'll never know. I was the first to holler out a gushing "Thanks for coming," then the others quickly joined in. Then he took off down the makeshift runway, blaring Christmas music and lit in Christmas lights - because it was also Christmas day for some reason - and flew off, his huge, cell-shaded HD robot monkey bounding off of houses, swinging after him.

And then, sadly, I woke up.

So, needless to say, I'll be keeping my politics to a minimum from here on out, as I feel I can no longer be called upon for an unbiased opinion.
I love this.
Me thinks some of you kids have played one too many first person shooters.

You take away our guns and I won't be able to kill the bad guys. You know, those gays and blacks who are letting the US become overrun with immigrants. DEY TOOK OUR JERBS!
And here I thought Canadians could be trusted with the 2nd Amendment! Only the US has the sense of responsibility necessary to own a guns to such a degree.
Bro tip: in canada their big news story was about the man who invented the air conditioner.

If it gets too boring i'll go back to the us where people get shot over a bucket of chicken.

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