Top 5 Most Addictive Games.

ok, my top 5 are going to be a little different

5) Monopoly
who doesnt love monopoly? especially when you get so far into the game that each space you land on either means going bankrupt or you start liquidating your assets to spend a day in a hotel.

4) Risk
ah, risk. I have many fond memories. full blown arguements about dice, about campaigns, about alliances unknown. we even once beat the ever living crap out of one friend who ruined a 3 hour long games with a single marshmallow.

3) Talisman
this one isn't as well known as the other two to the rest of you. only a few would know about this hidden gem of a board game. it served as a hybrid between monopoly and D&D before D&D was even out. classic. just eBay this game and guess how much an original game set would cost you.

2) Call of Cthulhu
No, not the xbox game, but the D20 based pen and paper tabletop game. So many hours spent having fun with this little game, journeying into imaginary places, fighting monsters and demons based on H.P. Lovecraft's twisted visions. Shoggoths anyone?

1) Magic: The Gathering
ah, now THIS is my bread and butter. been playing it for years now, amassed an embarrassingly large collection of cards i most likely wont use (how many copies of disenchant does one man NEED?) I have probably spent more time playing magic than any other game I've ever played ever, hands down. I'm not even counting the hours spent building decks, organizing binders, boxes and trading. this game is just encompassing. I still remember when I first started, I just merely wanted to see what the big attraction was. 5 years later I now own a stupid amount of cards.

not your average list here, but I play more tabletop than anything else
5) Soldier of Fortune 2:double helix.
Shooting limbs off with the shotgun or practically any gun in the game never got old
4)Guitar Her0
I actually got dark circles under my eyes from staying up nonstop masteriing this game
3)Postal 2:Share the Pain
relatively unheard of, this game lets you kill everyone in everyway you can think of, or kill noone at all. ultimate replay value, as you complete each mission however you want
2)Halo 1
dunno how many months of my life ive played this game, most of em back in middleschool, but even still, ill pop it in for a mission or two cause its just that damn good.
1)God of War
1 or 2, dont care, beat em all on hardest, so many frustrating moments and throw-my-controller moments but it was all worth it, these games are bomb
Tetris DS
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Civilization III
forgot which was first, but i have to wipe the Zulu off the map
5. NHL 2004 - The game i played 13 straight seasons on deserves a spot on this list.

4. GTA San Andreas - Such free roaming makes the replayability of the game immense.

3. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - My favourite game and in my opinion the greatest game of all time should indubitably have a spot on here.

2. Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2 - I played this game so much when i was young it's ridiculous. I made so many awesome custom parks that eventually i ran out of creativity.

1. World Of Warcraft - This game is crack.
NHL 2004 was the only hockey game i played, definitely agree with it. have to love coming back for the lead after a 2-4 end in the 2nd period
Contrary to popular belief, not actually in any particular order !

5) Deus Ex (original)
- It's just such a deep and involving game
4) Diablo 2
- must. find. more. items.
3) Starcraft
- can never have too many zerglings.
2) Heavy Gear 2
- don't know why, but i just could not stop playing it
1) Serious Sam (1st and 2nds encounters)
- can never have too many enemies.
Here are my Top 5 most addictive games:

Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 8

Try playing it also'll love it too
used44 said:
What's "Chips Challenge?"
It's old school. I used to play it when i was younger, it came with my windows copy. It's essentially a puzzle game where you have to navigate through each level. It was bloody hard as a kid.
The most addicting puzzle game I have ever played. You play and play and play thinking you'll get to the end but it never seems to end. Sounds about right NesMan?
5) Sonic
Played it when I was a kid all day long. Trying to beat the one lvl that up till today I never passed.

4)Pokemon on gameboy
Also this was in my childhood. You all know how it was and still is but I am to old to play it now :)

3)Gran turismo series
Till today the most best race game ever!!!! Wanted to do all races just for to know which car I was going to get.

2) Warcraft 3: ROC and FT
This strategy game really had me and still does but for some reason I dont play it anymore. Still I got my skills so if anyone wanne battle me ... ;)

1)Age of empires 3 + expansion
This one is my greatest addiction. Now with the expansion (The Warchief). I just want to be the best no rusher and today I can call myself a good semi-pro. At november the second expansion will come so my addiction will continue ... Anyone who wanna team with me or do a 1on1 feel free to ask anytime.
5) Starcraft - You know the story ....

4) Dune 2 - All time classic. The "original" great real time pc title.

3) Syndicate - Cult favorite of mine. Bad ass concept and flawless design... underrated.

2) Madden - Not a fan of the past few years, but the previous 10 were heaven.

1) 3 way tie (i know that's cheating, sue me)

1A: X-Wing - I waited months for it to be released, didn't see the light of day for the next year.
1B: MIght and Magic Series - I really miss the "dungeon crawl / party of 6 heroes / complete the quest" games (i'm old school, actually as far as games go, 34 is just plain old)
1C: Age of Empires 2 - I like them all, but played this one the most....
DocMoc said:
The most addicting puzzle game I have ever played. You play and play and play thinking you'll get to the end but it never seems to end. Sounds about right NesMan?
Yeah. Unbelievably hard when you're < 10
5) The "Myst" Series (PC)

I absolutely refused to give up on these games! Hence the addiction.

4) Heart of Darkness (PC version)

Got so tricky towards the end but again, determination got me through this one! I still remember it so vividly from when I was about 8 or 9. It had a fantastic musical score.

3) Theme Hospital (PC...beginning to see a pattern here)

Need I go on? :P

2) Shadow Hearts 2: Covenant (PS2)

I remember those endless weekend mornings where I would get up and play this all day. It drove my flatmates nuts until one day they actually saw me playing and got just as hooked as I did! Is one of those amazing games you have a sort of history with more than anything!

1) Pokémon Yellow (GBC)

Ah, now there's a story behind this one. I got a great deal on the GBC in the departure lounge at Heathrow Airport and it came with this game. I started playing it then and there and was hooked. I turned it off on the plane (being good as the nice lady told me it was dangerous) but as soon as I got to Tenerife (my destination, obviously) it was back out again. My GBC is still full of sand in every crevice having being taken onto the beach, it's been splashed by seawater on a sightseeing trip, and it's probably been in the sun about as many times as I have. And I played it on the plane trip back (because I was naughty). Then, when I got home, I beat the Elite Four, and it was the happiest day of my life. Then I restarted it and proceeeded to complete it in its entirity.
To this day, I have never owned another GBC game. Once I was finished with Pokémon Yellow, the DS came out :P
5. Gunbound

4. Mario Galaxy

3. WOW

2. WYD Global

1.Need For Speed carbon
  • Super Street Fighter II Turbo
    Considering the amount of Third Strike I play, I don't think it comes close to how much time I've wasted playing SSF2T. When I thought I'd kicked it, I moved in to a new house last year and lo, one of the guys is a huge Street Fighter fan, many hours were wasted in stale-mate matches. Good times.
  • Sim City 4 + Rush Hour
    I've been a Sim City fan for years, but 4 is by far the most detailed and in-depth version of the game. The only thing that bugs me about this game is the silly tie in with the Sims, that I choose to ignore. Oh and the fact that my PC is fucked and I can no longer play it. :(
  • Final Fantasy XI
    Best MMORPG ever made, ever.
  • City of Heroes/Villains
    The real best MMORPG ever made, ever in the history of anything.
  • Resident Evil (REbirth)
    Being a huge RE fan, the re-imagining of the original game had me excited from day one. I've lost count how many times I've played through the game.

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