To sig or not to sig...


  • Hell yeah!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No! Moron

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Grey said:
We were already getting that with lengthy sigs filled with nonsensical quotes, yet I never saw you complain about that.
Actually I did, but since you don't have access to Covert Ops you might not have known that.
masterchris said:
The tidiness of their forum does not equate to the quality of their forum. Yes I've been to GameFAQs, and I find most of the crowd there to be rather vulgar and, in my honest opinion, so f****** full of themselves they can't even pass a bowel movement without telling someone how great it was, or how much better their s*** smells than someone else's. But that's another argument for another time.

What does the quality of their users' postings have to do with this debate at all? We're talking about the way a forum looks, not the douchebags that post in it.

It has a place in this debate because it is an example of how looks can be deceiving. Tidiness and the look of a forum hold no congress over how the members behave, and how they treat each other. Basically, because a select few of us have images in our signatures, you believe that we will bring chaos down onto the GR Forums like a reign of fire, leaving devastation in our Photoshop Wake. I'm sorry, but I just don't buy that argument.

I do not mean to pry, but can I ask if there is some medical problem associated with this? I'm not in no way trying to sabotage your no doubt good standing, nor am I implying that you have an absurd case of O.C.D. that extends to Internet forums. I was wondering if you had a legitimate medical problem as to which why you cannot view erm, "super flashy images" in contrast to other colours and shades, or is just a mere annoyance of those with "photoshop skills" and wish to show off?

My only condition is that on certain message boards I don't feel it should be my responsibility to scroll past half a page of bouncing balls and flashy images to figure out what the person is actually saying, as it pertains to the topic at hand. I guess my condition is that I like everything relatively easy to read. I dunno, perhaps you enjoy looking at somebody's 300x500 picture of a man falling down the stairs 20 times in a single thread, but I don't find it amusing.

And it is not your duty to scroll through half a page of whatever. However, a quick and easy solution to this problem you have is the option to turn off the viewing of other people's signatures. I don't see why you cannot do this. Perhaps you need opposable thumbs?

And, oh, there are, to my recollection, no images on these forums or in signatures that are 300x500.

With Love,
See now Longo's I don't mind. Not just because of the cute girls, but it's small and easy on the eyes (again, not just because of the cute girls....although they help) and you can quickly scan over it with minimal distraction.
Longo, read back; No. :)

mC, then keep this in CO like you did there. You complain about the sigs being irritating, its also irritating to see call outs in more than one topic about the same thing, even after being told that no, it won't be changed unless the GM's decided to step in and say they want them smaller.
AcidTrip said:
And, oh, there are, to my recollection, no images on these forums or in signatures that are 300x500.
I edited my original post while you were replying to reflect that.

It has a place in this debate because it is an example of how looks can be deceiving. Tidiness and the look of a forum hold no congress over how the members behave, and how they treat each other. Basically, because a select few of us have images in our signatures, you believe that we will bring chaos down onto the GR Forums like a reign of fire, leaving devastation in our Photoshop Wake. I'm sorry, but I just don't buy that argument.
I disagree. If we were debating what colour to paint a house, and were driving around the neighbourhood looking at houses, the people who live inside would have absolutely nothing to do with which colour or yard you liked the look of the most. And at no point did I say you were bringing chaos down to GR, that's putting words in my mouth. I simple am saying I find the larger images annoying.
And you also seem to be, pardon me, but in the minority here. There was a poll taken, and an outstanding 21-2 margin in favour of signatures back and with the appropriate size limit. My suggestion would be annoying GM's until they give in (if it's possible), or starting a petition for your fellow posters.

But please, do not count on my signature.

Faithfully Photoshopped,
Actually that poll simply asked if you were in favor of signatures, period. Maca even said things like whether or not images would be allowed, and size restrictions would be decided upon later, meaning after the poll was complete.
Even still, there were a number of people I noticed who posted saying they voted yes, but didn't want images.
AcidTrip said:
And, oh, there are, to my recollection, no images on these forums or in signatures that are 300x500.

More than 300x500
Ignore TNO, when I get back in a few hours I want to see all out warfare here to read with my coffee.
Longo_2_guns said:
AcidTrip said:
And, oh, there are, to my recollection, no images on these forums or in signatures that are 300x500.

More than 300x500

Ah Longo, I congratulate you on your rather snarky and sardonic take on my meaning. Seriously, I applaud the ability to copy and paste a URL in the vain attempt to try and discredit my argument.

Nonetheless, I will heed TNO's wishes to cease this discussion. However, if MC would like to continue this discussion with me in private, I suggest the PM feature, or perhaps MSN.

Good day, dear thread.

Honestly done with this debate,
Grey said:
Ignore TNO, when I get back in a few hours I want to see all out warfare here to read with my coffee.
F that, warfare can hold off for another time, I'm going to bed :P

AcidTrip said:
Honestly done with this debate,
Yah, I'm going to pack it in as well. I do enjoy a good debate, and thank you for being such a good sport, but I'm off to bed.
Fine, I'll war with myself.

I do believe that these new signatures are indeed quite annoying.

Arrr matey, ye be makin yur way to the mizzenmast.

I do say, we should settle this over a game of croquet.

Ye be a landlubber to be challengin me, bucko.

Behold, for I am holding a basketball.

And were all very, very drunk.
Ignoring your bad joke, it ended early because the pirate, the englishman, the highschooler and Matt all went to play a game of Croquet.
masterchris said:
I have no idea how they screwed up the size limit when they brought signatures back, but they did. And now they should fix it.

They didn't screw up, I set it to 100x400 to try it out and am waiting for replies to the CO topic for mod opinions which aren't exactly forthcoming. If mod opinion is that they should be downsized then I'll gladly do it.


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