To bass, or not to bass

UghRochester said:
Lien, Sid was a terrible bass player...but I do like his version of "My Way."
In punk term, being terrible, not knowing how to play, meant you were great. At least that's what it used to mean back then. Don't know about today...
To all those who for whatever think bass is super easy or just a nothing instrument, ask you to watch the link I put up in the first post.

@those who are helping: I was playing last night with some friends and I noticed my tone was absolutely awful. It kept changing to very distorted to very smooth, and even my volume knob was acting up. I'm gonna go back to the store and give the guitar another whirl before I make the decision.
Music is music. Sometimes it's the overwhelming power of a full symphony or even the simplicity of a simple bass line that can change your day. Rock on, Rakon! The world needs bass players who love what they're doing and contribute to the band. Instead of rejected, dejected guitar players who are just pushing through a "simple" bass line, or half-wits who have no idea what they're even doing.

The bass is the foundation!

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