the responsible pros and cons of sega and nintendo

sega or nintendo

  • sega

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • nintendo

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


so after that last failed topic that was stated awfuly, lets do this right, so lets have a un biased no sega sucks nintendo blows just say what you like about either company and there particualr style of games. so sega or nintendo whos your favorite?
I like nintendo cuz I like there new style of gaming. and also cuz sega is dead and I played one of their systems and hated it like hell.
Nintendo is the cute girl next door that you had a crush on since the beginning of 2nd grade. And what do ya know? You finally mustered up the gumption to ask her out in grade school only to find out... she was the one! Wow! Who finds 'the one' that early on in life? Nobody, right? But you did, so cool! So you grow older together, and it's fun. But fun like 'Disney Radio fun'.
So maybe she doesn't like your music, and maybe she doesn't like your taste in movies, and maybe she doesn't even like your friends! (offline and online) BUT, somehow you always knew it would be you and her forever.

Now Sega is that hot piece of ass you didn't meet until you graduated high school! Holy hell, this babe knows how to have fun! Sure, the less your parents know about her, the better (who has time to talk when you're rushing her back to your room anyways, wink!); maybe you don't have anything in common besides your shared lusts and vices... but HOLY F***ING HELL, this babe knows how to have fun!!
Still, you and her both know that this was all just a fling. It was never meant to last, and you're both okay with that. So, have fun while it lasts!

I voted Nintendo. The classics never die.
ya i've been playing alot of game gear sonics gooood times, was there ever a converter to play game gear games on the genesis?
ive never really liked sega their sonic games havent really interested me that much and their systems dont seem that good except for genesis (kinda) but ive liked nintendo since the SNES after that, i got each console by nintendo also nintendo's series appeal to me more, especially zelda
Nintendo got my vote here, although I'm not surprised that the poll results are so close.

It can be argued that Nintendo revived the console gaming industry, and I still consider the NES to be the best console ever. The controller is simple and yet effective. There are a ton of games in a ton of different genres. Many of the games didn't require much instruction to play. There were IPs introduced for the NES that still live on today: Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Mega Man, Contra, Castlevania... and a few others.

I never had as much love for the Genesis as I did for the NES-- or the SNES, for that matter. Sure, the Sonic games were solid... and there were a few other IPs (Road Rash, for example) that always made me smile; however, even when formerly-exclusive third-party IPs made the jump from Nintendo to Sega, there was almost always something lost in the translation.

Both companies have their place secured in gaming history, but for me... Nintendo wins. Every time.
Boringman54 said:
um... genesis was competing against snes not nes, master system was competing against nes... also, wats an IP?

The point is that Sega and Nintendo were competing from the beginning, hence the reference for my response. It's also worth noting that the Genesis and the NES were competitors early on, thanks to the relatively late arrival of the SNES.

As for an IP, it's short for Intellectual Property. Mario Bros. is an IP, as are Final Fantasy, Guitar Hero, and Halo.
Boringman54 said:
techniaclly it was the early arrival of genesis

Well, yes. Sega attempted to blitz Nintendo by beating them to the punch with a 16-bit console and offering "arcade-quality" versions of their coin-op games, such as Altered Beast.
NjNakedSnake said:
Sega, just because of MORTAL KOMBAT !!!

*plays theme song in head*


*cries at the horrible movie adaption*


If Nintendo had (been smart and) included the original fatalities in the SNES version of Mortal Kombat, would your decision have been different? In terms of aesthetics, the SNES version was much closer to the coin-op original than the Genesis version was.

Then, when Mortal Kombat II hit, the playing field was level and the SNES version was the better one.
jivesc00ter said:
what about street fighter 2, much better for the genesis, much much better it was so much faster

Erm... the original Street Fighter II coin-op ran at slow speed, too. It was the introduction of Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting that sped the game up; Capcom soon after released Street Fighter II: Turbo Edition for the SNES. The Genesis version (Street Fighter II: Special Championship Edition) came out after that and was similar in speed to SFII: Turbo.

Your point about SFII being "faster" on the Genesis is moot, based on this information.

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