The Lord of the Rings: The White Council

Its about time, they make a excellent Lord of the rings RpG type game.

This game will be for PS3 Xbox 360 and PC.

Heres a article about it on 1up.

Project Gray Company Finally Revealed
We were right. The Lord of the Rings: The White Council appears.
by Patrick Klepek, 07/13/2006
1UP started putting the puzzle pieces together in Project Gray Company when they teased an official announcement was pending last week: the title and vagueness from the development team indicated Electronic Arts' grand RPG opus was actually based on their lucrative Lord of the Rings license.

We were right. This morning, EA announced The Lord of the Rings: The White Council, an original RPG based on the Lord of the Rings books (they only have exclusive rights to the movies) scheduled for a late 2007 release on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.

Gamers will not play as the main storyline's known characters, but choose between a man, an elf, a dwarf, or a hobbit. The game asks you with becoming a hero and allying with the same group where Gandalf, Saruman, Galadriel, and Elrond sit: The White Council.

"Our extremely talented and dedicated team is committed to creating an incredible new experience for fans of The Lord of the Rings and role playing gamers," said executive producer Steve Gray in the announcement release. "With its next generation gameplay and epic new storyline, we think The Lord of the Rings, The White Council will be a huge success."

The official website's quoted in the press release, but doesn't appear to have gone live yet. Stay tuned for more.

This game will rule, i have dreamed of this game to be made for a long time. What do you people think?
Meh, I dunno. I tired playing that third age game and it really blew.

Looks like they're doing the same thing here only with better graphics.
YEah the third age was lame, but no i think they will go with a more better approach and not the lame hack and slash like the 3 other EA games. Them sucked i thought.

I think they will go with a better story line and become a hero mode. Plus with better engines and next gen stuff, they can actually portray massive battles with tons of enimes on screen at once. :)
Third Age wasn't that bad, it was just very very slow. All that turned baised action and hard core music all the time, it was to much for some. =P

Yah White does look good, but the horrible taint of EA is a-foot. I can taste the good graphics and bad gameplay from a mile away. I don't know, it could be good, but it seems that anything EA touches turns to butt.

All we can do is hope and prey that Command and Conquer 3 will not suck.
Speaking of Lord of the Rings, I just saw a video of LOTR online at fileplanet. It looks really bad, sorta like somewhere between everquest 1 and dungeons and dragons online. I first read about it like a year ago and it sounded like they were doing some cool stuff with it (for instance there is next to no 'magic' in the game, it's almost all melee) but the video I just saw just looks like your run of the mill MMO. But I guess thats how MMOs are, they're all just carbon copies of each other now.

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