The Game that Got You Into Gaming


Now I've been playing videogames ever since Super Mario World still had that new car (game?) smell, but the game that glued my ass into the seat and and mercilessly sucked hour after hour of life out of me until I was nothing more than a empty shell of 6th grade nerdiness that had no thought outside of "play more videogames" was the Blizzard classic Diablo. Ever since, I have been infatuated with the world of videogames. I am curious to know what is the game that got you into the world of videogames?
Hrm... for me, my first ever console game was Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo. I remember my brothers and I got it for Christmas. We got a Nintendo console bundled with Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt (along with the Nintendo Zapper). The reason I say Super Mario Bros. was my first game is because that was the first game I played out of the two and it was the one I played the most. I must have been about six years old at the time.

From then on out we didn't get any more Nintendo games but my parents would take me and my brothers to the video shop once a week and we'd hire out a new game. We hired out new games all the time. Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario Bros. 3, Maniac Mansion, Duck Tales, the Flinstones, Crash Dummies, Double Dragons 1 + 2 + 3, Alien 3, Predator, Ninja Gaiden, Wizards and Warriors 3.. the list goes on.

My first step into online gaming however would have been Star Craft, which I started playing when I was ten years old. We went to America on a holiday for a month, and while there my oldest brother bought Star Craft for PC. When I played it online, I tended to only play custom games, like "RPG" maps and stuff.

but like DBucks8, I think what really got me into online gaming and perhaps, gaming as a whole, was also Blizzard's classic.. Diablo. I played Diablo offline first in single player, and upon finishing it I took it to the next level by playing online. I can still remember my character, "Krackshot", a level 37 rogue. :)
It would be a tie between Adventure, Enduro and Pitfall for the Atari 2600... I played the crap out of those 3 as soon as i was old enough to hold a joystick.

Hooray for having a gamer dad and being born on a house that had an Atari.
Didn't we have a topic like this in "Classic Gaming"?
And if I remember correctly, it was Sonic the Hedgehog 3 or Pac-Man. But that ToeJam and Earl in Panic on Funkotron game was pretty trippy back then.
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Cloudy Mountain for intellivison.
and no joke my grandma used to own at this game. I would watch her play it a lot. and when I was really little the dragons growl at the end of the game that would get louder a nd louder as you got close to it used to scare the shit out of me, I actually wish I still had that game, it was very well put together for its time..... :cry:
sorry, this is my first forum topic so my bad if it has already been done. I had a nintendo growing up so i missed out on all of those old atari, sega, intellevision classics. But god bless PC gaming for broadening my horizons!
The game for me was donkey kong invited me into gamimg on the SNES then i was mario that took me in
hmm well I played many games from the Atari 2600, but the one i enjoyed myself was The Legends of Zelda on the NES, i enjoyed The Legends of Zelda: A Link to the Past on the SNES too.

nevermind can't really tell you what game got me into gaming because there were so many games i enjoyed.
For me it would have to be either Red Alert on the PC, or aroudn a similar time Rush 2142 / Skies of Arcadia on the Dreamcast.
Although thats playing games, I 'got into' games when watching my dad play Tomb Raider as a little one.
Sega gaming- Sonic the Hedgehog 2. In fact my earliest memory is playing it when i was like, 2.

Sony- Jurassic Park the Lost World and Spyro

Nintendo- Saving money for my gbc and Pokemon yellow
I cut my gaming teeth on the NES and SNES. As Master_Craig said, Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt were two of the first. I played my SNES everyday. Twas like a member of the family. After that, Sega and N64 changed my life.
super mario bros for the nes was the frst game i really played. i dabbled in atari but nothing serious. my brother owned the nes and snes so i grew up playing those alot. it wasn't until n64 and my oh so beloved Super Mario 64 that i got hooked on gaming. i was addicted to that game. couldn't put it down. first game i ever had "power sessions" of (multiple hours of constant play) and i was in 6th grade. the only other games to hook me in that bad were oblivion, jade empire, halo 1 and metal gear solid 2.
Super Mario World on that old grey gameboy was my first video game, but I think either Ocarina of Time or Mario Kart 64 was the first game that really got me into gaming.
I remember getting an Atari back when I was around 3 years old. My mom would take us down to the Salvation Army and we'd root through their $0.50 gaming collection. Donkey Kong, Wizard of Wor, Pitfall, Hero, E.T., a couple Star Wars games, we ended up with quite a few. I still have that Atari too. When I was eight or nine, we rented a SNES with Super Mario one weekend, and a Genesis with Altered Beast the next. My mom didn't like how violent Altered Beast was (LOL) and so we got the SNES. First games for that were Super Mario, Pilotwings, and Simcity.

I guess I've been playing games pretty regularly ever since I was 3 years old.
Peanutkiller said:
old grey gameboy

i had me that old chunk of plastic :D. the cabbage green screen and purple buttons. that thing lasted through years of abuse and punishment and continued to work. i remember playing links awakening and wario land 1 all the time on that thing.
xxlordskullxx said:
Peanutkiller said:
old grey gameboy

i had me that old chunk of plastic :D. the cabbage green screen and purple buttons. that thing lasted through years of abuse and punishment and continued to work. i remember playing links awakening and wario land 1 all the time on that thing.

Same here, I remember i had to buy a new lamp that lets me look on the screen to play the game, That sucked not having any light while playing
I really wish I could find my Gameboys. My brother and I had about four of them for some reason. None of them with the battery cover compartment still intact, of course.

Since, like, ZZK, I've been playing games forever and it would be hard to pinpoint just one that got me into gaming, I'll just say Tetris.

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