Thank you Mega Man review

LinksOcarina said:
I just read it, and I agree it's really hard, but I don't know if it's to the point of no fun....
Okay, hard to the point of less than 2% of the following ingredients: fun.
Are you kidding me? I'm not that great at Mega Man games but I still got to Dr. Wily's stages (though those are hard). Once you know the right order as to which you should beat the bosses in, it's not that hard. Well, it's still hard but definitely not hard enough to the point of not being fun anymore.
i havn't played the new megaman, but it can't be that hard can it? i have mega man 2,3, and 5 under my belt (thanks megaman collection for gamecube!) so i'd like to try and tackle this one.
Solaris10 said:
Depends if you are a platformer guy..... I am not.
Actually it depends on if you enjoy doing nothing but trying to beat a single level for 2 days straight.
Mega-Man has always been just the other side of "Hard to the point of no fun". It is what makes classic games fun. Have you tried to get 3 stages in to the original Donkey Kong? On one quarter, it is a pretty tough task.

I think games today are way too easy. No skill needed. That is why most of the kiddos find classic games boring or hard.
StalfrosCC said:
Mega-Man has always been just the other side of "Hard to the point of no fun". It is what makes classic games fun.

Y'see this is what most of the reviews of this game said and I do have to say it is outright wrong. I have beaten Mega Man 1-9 and I have done so in the last year (thanks to the wonderful anniversary collection) and I have to say Mega Man 9 is over the top hard. The original games always had one or two stages that were a major pain in the ass but they most of the stages were fine and not THAT annoying. Most reviewers that think that the originals were this hard have not played the originals recently. Even in Mega Man 1, which is known for being one of the hardest games...ever, of the 6 robot master stages Only Gutsman and Iceman's stages are THAT annoying. In Mega Man 9 it's insane. Every stage has at least one part of it that is a major pain in the ass. And the sky stage is just a collction of the soe of the most controller-smashing platforming I've ever seen.
I do agree with original poster in sayig that I like the GR reciew because it is one of the only ones to acknowledge that this game is hard. Most reviewers seemed afraid to admit that in soe odd fear of losing ol school cred or somthin. On the other hand, I did have a good time with Mega Man 9 and don't regret downloading it, even if I probably won't touch, except in maybe my yearly urge to play through the mega man games.
StalfrosCC said:
I think games today are way too easy. No skill needed. That is why most of the kiddos find classic games boring or hard.
Not if you're an achievement whore. See, the game itself may be easy, but playing it the right way takes skill. It's what separates retro games from next-gen.
Mega Man is not hard. You've been neutered by those 460 games with your wand remotes and eyecamera units and such. Any and every grizzled vet knows today's games are just too short and easy, consarnit
Chris_Crime said:
Mega Man is not hard. You've been neutered by those 460 games with your wand remotes and eyecamera units and such. Any and every grizzled vet knows today's games are just too short and easy, consarnit
You're all talk unless you can beat me in a game of Mario Brothers and Mario Kart Wii.

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