I just threw up a little... (Too human Review)

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Not for the review it's self (Spot on, well written, and accurate), but the tag line. "Too err is human"? Not only is that the exact same tag from the IGN AU review, it was a horrible attmept to be witty. I love you GR, but that was extremely lame.

Sorry for the bitching and moaning.

End Rant.
The witty taglines next to the reviews and previews are pretty much my favorite part of the GR site. Keep it up guys!
used44 said:
The witty taglines next to the reviews and previews are pretty much my favorite part of the GR site. Keep it up guys!

Usually mine as well, but if you actually read my post instead trying to make me look like an ass, you'd see why I brought it up.
If it wasn't a common saying that easily applies to this scenario, then I might cry plagiarism.

Plus, who cares about IGN or Australia?
Yeah, they copied IGn and the Simpsons, so? You try to write a witty tagline for Too Human.

And it's your opinion that it was a "horrible attempt" and was "lame." I think it was good.
used44 said:
Yeah, they copied IGn and the Simpsons, so? You try to write a witty tagline for Too Human.

And it's your opinion that it was a "horrible attempt" and was "lame." I think it was good.

Ugh, the Simpsons didn't steal it and I wrote it wrong. I meant to say IGN failed at trying to be witty. Which, I guess is the same thing...

I'm not insulting GR, but if I critique it whatsoever people's balls get knotted.

I think something loses it's originality and impact once it's been used for the 50th time in the same context for the same review of game. Also I'd like to see a review who doesn't use the bloody "Too" pun.

Witty line attempts:
Too little, Too late, HA!
Hack, Slash, Groan, Repeat LOLS
"There Be Monsters here" <-- actual fucking dialogue :sick4:
Really, I think the only other tagline suitable would be you stole my cloudsong!`since the game deals so heavily in loot it seems.

I fail to see how it`s stealing it when it can easily be seen as a reference to the Simpsons. Chris Hudak uses many NIN references that some can argue are not witty, but won`t accuse him of stealing them. It`s all about the pop culture references. I for one get happy in the pants when I see one I recognize. I also found this one kind of humorous.

I understand it`s your opinion, and our balls don`t get knotted when someone critiques GR. I mean, look at all the times the collective group of posters have complained about Bolt or Crave...Or the GTA IV review.

You have your own opinion, but don`t try and say our balls are getting knotted simply because our very own disagrees with your own.
im just amazed that they got the review out so fast. i thought it would have taken another month. just like the review for lost odessy that took GR almost 6 months to do.
I'm not sayi....

This seems just as futile as any other fight on the interwebs.

I give. Forgive me. PLEAS JEEBUS PLEASE!


"I think blah blah blah"

"Your OPINION!!!!!!!!"
It's just running in circles.

I'll now just keep any complaints in a bottle that's in my head and wait for that one day...that one day...

...When the zombies finally take over.
I agree that it isn't original, but it fits the review, the title, and the grade. Also, we don't look at other reviews from other sites, so if they happen to be as witty as us, I think it's about time.
^ The proof is in the pudding.

OH NO! I used another idiom! I'm being unoriginal and not witty! *runs from crazycracker*

I will kill all of you.

not a threat.

And used, I don't see what that was supposed to do. Unless you were trying to hurt me. Well if so, mission accomplished.
my favorite tag by GR was "first rule of fight club...don't play fight club." obviously for the game by the same name. man i laughed so hard at that. the wit. OH THE WIT!!
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