TeamOrbit recruiting artists!


First of all, greetings to all gamerevolution members!
This is one of the greatest sites out there, I have been coming here for cheats and reviews for years now. Though I must admit I only just registered on these forums.

I come with an offer for those among this community that are talented artists, for example modelers, animators, 2d artists, coders etc.

Here is more information about what I come to offer, though it targets coders in specific, we also look for the above mentioned talent

Team Orbit is looking for skilled programmers to help work
on their UT2004 (coming soon UT2007) MOD project NeoCairo..

What will you be doing in the team as a Coder?
You will be coding a great deal of the weapons, mechs, vehicles, and
so on for the game, as the team hasn't got a great deal of coders you
will be able to influence the game with your coding quite a bit.

What are we looking for?
As a coder you will have to be a team player and no lone wolf, good
communication skills are a must and you will have to be a reliable
force and easy to work with.

Some information about TeamOrbit:
TeamOrbit was an underground development team that grew out to become
a MOD team for the unreal engine that has many industrial
professionals now part of the team.
You surely have heard of the NeoCairo MOD for UT that we published,
and was a great hit all of over the UT community.
NeoCairo is the community-released prequel of the in development
MMORPG Orbit Wars

Some information about NeoCairo
NeoCairo is a total conversion for unrealtournament, it could be
described as a sci-fi action adventure first person shooter. The MOD
started for unrealtournament and is in development for UT2004, and
will be ported to UT2007 afterwards. The aim is to make a release for
UT2004 and get it ported to UT2007 as soon as that comes out.
NeoCairo is set in the future of Earth, where Earth has become so
polluted that mankind had to make space station in the orbit around
Earth to survive. But the intergalactic society has restricted mankind
to their own solar system until they solve the problem of their
polluted Planet.
But an alien race has a different idea about that, and has started to
invade Earth to stop the human race from succeeding.

NeoCairo will have many unique things never before seen in unreal..
Lots of awesome custom vehicles, tons of custom weapons, great mechs,
custom models and many more things!

TeamOrbit has recently announced that we will also be co-producing a
Hollywood movie called BodyWeapon with famous actors like Jerry Bell,
Mickey Rourke, Michelle Rodriguez, Eddie Griffin, Glen Plummer, Sonny
Chiba, Michelle Chu, and others.
To boot the team will also be producing the game about the movie.

You now have the chance to be part of this team and have a great time
doing what you like, and rest assured you will be learning many new
things from industrial professionals as you go!

Our website:

Here is some more information about what you can expect of us:

Working with TeamOrbit will earn you notoriety and respect. Why?
You will be working on a total conversion game that will be nothing
like other MOD's out there, besides that you will also be able to show
a demo to companies you might want to send in a resume too.
Chances are you will be part of a team that will possibly win the next
Make Something Unreal Contest for UT2007 as well.
And NeoCairo isn't just any MOD, it's been in production for years,
starting with the first unreal engine.
Just look at some recently released content for the UE2 engine:

These are all of course big words, and I can understand you want some
proof to back these works up. Well, TeamOrbit is a professional team
and no rookie team, this can be seen just by looking at the bios of
our members. Many work as professionals in this industry or are one of
the most famous members in the unreal community.
Just a few examples,
The director of TeamOrbit, Mario 'Thunderbear' Orsini is a leader with
many talents, among other things he models, textures, rigs, animates,
programs, level designs, records/edits music, played with bands such
as Aerosmith and pearl jam, does web design, writes, directs, produces
A leader with all these abilities knows what he's talking about and
what's possible, with these skills he can steer the team in the right
direction like no other.
His bio can be found here: ... 8182cb59c9

Then there is also Eric ' Doc Holiday' Huelsman, here's part of his bio:
In 1997 Mr. Huelsman became Director of the 3D Animation and
Visual Effects school "Friedman 3D." After developing Friedman 3D,
Eric partnered with noted film editor, producer and lecturer emeritus
Stuart Chasmar to open his own school with a unique approach for
educating entertainment industry professionalsí¢â‚¬Â¦ let industry
professionals do the teaching. The school has since come to be known
as Studio Arts.

As President and CEO of Studio Arts, Mr. Huelsman has developed Studio
Arts to become one of the top training centers for Hollywood
professionals. For the past two years Studio Arts has been training
computer animation and visual effects artists from The Animation Guild
(IATSE Local 839) and other professional guilds for work in the
feature film and television industry.
More can be found here: ... b8708b1ab4

Then there is also the well-known 'AngelMapper' who is one of the most
talented in the Unreal Community, here's something about Angelmapper:
i've been working with the Unreal engine for six years, three
of those professionally. For the last year I've been doing work at
home for a few different companies, most recently with Epic for the
Mega Bonus Pack.

These are just a few examples of the great talent that is part of
TeamOrbit. For more such talents check out the team's bio pages:
(New members are yet to be added, like Angelmapper)

And there is always the chance you will become part of the paid
project 'BodyWeapon'. This will involve the production of a movie and
a game.

Perhaps you have some Instant Messengers? Then our team recruiter John
"Agent-X" Inman could certainly answer all other possible questions
you might have.
He can be contacted through here:
YAHOO: extremecreations2001
AIM: AgentxTeam
MSN: [email protected]

You may also reply to this thread, send me a PM, or contact me through here:
MSN: [email protected]
AIM: Saro87
YAHOO: Roelandschoppers

Best Regards,
Roeland 'SandRock' Schoppers - Lead tester, recruiter and media publisher.
You must be a bot. You said something to the effect that this is the greatest site ever. One of them. Something like that. LIAR!


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