Stories/Fan Fic Forum

I brought this up about a year ago, and i'm just wondering if it is possible to do it again, but can we create a fan fiction/story forum for the site, where we can write creative writng projects, essays, papers, poetry, and fan fics based on video games and stuff. This way we can segregate it from the misc. forum so that we don't lose some good gems that are within there.

Any chance of this or no?
I think having a forum just for fanfic and the like would be pretty pointless. It would only have a few topics anyway, barely enough to warrant a whole new forum.
Although the other posters alluded to it, JCD said it best, the boards we have at the moment are pretty damn quiet so I don't think traffic to a new board would be worth its inclusion. If GR were busier it may be a worthwhile inclusion but as it stands I don't think it would be worth it.

That would be awesome, I would finally have a place to put my fanfic about Solid Snake and Megadeth teaming up to take down an A-Team clone army.
Oh god, I hope not.....

I do have two stories im working one, one based off of pokemon and one based off of Fire Emblem....thats kind of why I wanted to suggest the fanfic page.
It might make more sense to start one out as a topic in Misc. Then if people got into it maybe it'd get stickied, then with enough regular contributors the thread could be migrated into its own board.

Once you have a popular feature with a bunch of backers, it will be much easier to convince an admin to make a change.
Yeah, Joe makes sense here guys. I wouldn't be able to add a board off my own bat anyway, I'd need dUKE or another GM's backing to go ahead with it but I wouldn't add a new board just because a few people posted here that they want one. By all means make a topic in misc and we'll see how it goes.

I still think such a forum would be way too specific. Just make a sticky topic and misc or whatever for everyone to post their stuff.

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