Sonic Next-Gen


Is anybody else as stoked about this as I am? A full open 3D playing field for each level. Remember the adventure fields in Sonic Adventure? Think of those but really, really big and you have the standard level in Sonic 360 with real time lighting. :D
Its a complete re-telling of Sonic the Hedgehog 1, meaning its just Sonic and Dr.Robotnik's army of badniks. Apparantly the badniks are being replaced with more intimidating forms of the more humanoid robots in Sonic Adventure 2, im not bothered by that so much providing the animal battery system for the robots is kept, otherwise they're already crapping on the StH story line.

Nicked straight from the Wikipedia article. said:
  • The detail level and draw distance have been upped considerably. In the demo, Sonic was seen running around fields, forests and canyons that seemed to go on for miles in every direction. High-res textures are everywhere.
  • A Day/Night cycle has been implemented. As you play, time slowly changes from dawn, to noon, dusk, night time, and back to dawn again in real-time. Everything in the game casts shadows based on the position of the sun.
  • The basic features of previous Sonic games return; Rail Grinding, Springs, Dash Plates and the Homing Attack were all shown in the Demo. It is unknown how much this move set will be changed for the future.
  • The Robots designed for this game have been made to look more menacing - they appear to be smoother, more deadly variations of the G.U.N. robots from Sonic Adventure 2.
  • Yuji Naka has stated that this game will capture the most realistic sensation of speed ever, a feature only possible on Next-Generation Systems. This could be seen as a parallel to how NiGHTS was designed: capturing sensation of flight.
  • The Havok Physics Engine has been implemented, giving robots and debris realistic physics as objects crumble, fall and bounce around the playing field.

If they're sticking close to StH and having the same zones (altered of course) then I can already think of where the rail grinding can be implemented with ease. Im glad they're focusing a lot more on speed. Sonic was originally supposed to encapture speed, its Sonic's trademark. SA managed to keep the speed element really well, but SA2 lost it by having so much adventuring implemented it killed the minimal speed levels with sonic and shadow. Sonic Heroes...bland. :|

One rumour suggests that the game will star Sonic, and Sonic only. Yuji Naka has stated in interviews that it would be interesting to do a game that stars just Sonic, but that fans also complain when their favorite character doesn't make an appearance - leaving him currently undecided on the issue. I personally don't mind seeing the other characters sit out for a game. Its a re-telling of StH1, putting in the other known characters would destroy Sonic canon.

Oh yeah, rumours say Super Sonic might be playable outside of the final boss encounter. Awesome. :D
A game with just sonic is fine by me. It would be nice i suppose to have tails, or even knuckles but i'm fine with only sonic
Yea I would prefer it to just be sonic. The game stopped being "sonic the hedgehog" and turned out "Sonic and Friends". The only character that I would like to see is Tails because he is Sonic's sidekick and it will be an omgwtfpotato moment if he isnt involved, like luigi in mario 64. Although luigi wasmore of an an alternate color scheme for the 2nd player than a sidekick originally... But since Sonic 1 didnt have tails I wouldnt be mad if tails isnt included.
I wouldn't mind seeing a re-make of Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Knuckles had a reason for being there, plus the angel island saga is hands down the best story in Sonic canon.
steve_the_great said:
Lets face facts,Sonic is gay.So is tails and Knukles.I mean come on you have to notice it

Only if you have a very homo-erotic imagination, which it appears you have. Reach for that rainbow son!
Nah, I have to agree, Sonic IS gay. + I have played a demo of that game. It is grade a monkey poop.

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