well to start this off im about 19 and jsut got a saturn, i always wanted one when the system was still thriving, but everytime i tryed to get one the people at the stores would talk me out of it, so anyways i bought one from the video game underground, www.videogameunderground.com, its a local place and there pretty cool, so now that i have one i wanted to know what games to get for it. so far i have nights, myst, sonic, and panzar dragoon, i'm attempting to find panzar dragoon 2 zwei and panzar dragoon saga, so i guess what it boils down to is ware are the best place to locate older games like these, ebay is nice but you can wind up paying alot, panzar dragoon saga seems to be going from anyware from 100-150 bucks there has to be a better way? o and i have a genesis 3, its starting to get shotty, so i think im going to have to find a new one, so ware to for that i guess as well?