Saturday Night


I never knew Dr. Pepper had this kind of following on GR. I figured you guys for the Mr. Pibb types.
I went down to the Dr. Pepper Museum in Waco to buy a t-shirt and a case of these bad boys. No corn syrup, just imperial cane sugar. It has a cleaner bite with no lingering taste in your cheeks. Not a huge difference to be honest.
Never mind the dusty tv stand.
Me and Dr. Pepper are just OK. I'm a Coke guy.... so much so that when I go to a restaurant I check to see if they have Coke or Pepsi and if they have Pepsi I have something else.
I'm rocking the tea and water combo with a side lemon wedges at restaurants these days. I can feel myself slowly turning into my (grand)parents.
My gf and her family always do the lemon in the water at restaurants. I can't stand it. Apparently it's supposed to make you feel fuller.
Im addicted to coke. Ive been drinking a 2 liter a day since I was 11(Im only 6 foot 150 pounts)

I recently moved back from california but while I was there I found glass bottled cokes from mexico. They are made with pure sugar rather then high fructose corn syrup and let me say they are fucking delicious. Its like im a crack fiend for them now.

I had to order 20 cases of them when I moved back to Illinois. It cost me more in shipping then it did in the coke. x-x ... 00_s00_i00

It also makes the most delicious alcholic drink when mixed with Crown Reserve
I do the lemon but just to add taste to shitty tap water. I was goin to make a post about the Mexican coke but ya beat me to it. On the rare occasion that I do buy soda it is always with real sugar.

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