Resident Evil 5, say it ain't so!!


So I just saw the new trailer for RE5 and they revealed something at the end of the trailer....

Highlight below if you wanna see it. And if you wanna see the trailer first before knowing what's at the end click the link at the bottom.

They show the tombstone of Jill Valentine!! Can it be???? Could they really kill her off???? HOW COULD THEY DO THAT?

Anyways, feel free to discuss what you think about it.
HD is also available btw
It's Resident Evil, I'm sure there's some cliche` plot-twist planned for her amazing return.

That aside, Wesker looks totally bad ass.
Awesome trailer. And yeah, I'm sure it's some sort of twist.

Damn, with this coming out, and Banjo-Kazooie soon too...I may have to get an XBox 360 for Christmas.
I just died a little inside. They can't kill off Jill. ;_; Although Capcom did say a while ago she'l be making an appearance in the game, probably near the end. At least I hope so.
Eh, maybe it's just something stupid like she's gone into hiding from Umbrella and everyone after and faking one's death is a decent enough way of starting out the act of hiding well. Not sure it'd work in hide and go seek, but in Resident Evil? Sure.
That, or she's really dead and they wanted to give out a huge plot point in the trailer ;) suuuure.
(Okay, they may have, but I don't want to think that's true.) :cry:
Meh ... no more zombie slaying? Well then, seems I'll have to pop some parasites instead and yeah, Wesker indeed looks to Neo like Liquid does to Snake. :D
Abracadaver said:
I really miss the plain ol' zombies from the series and is it me or did Wesker turn into Neo?

lol, ya I was just about to say that!!

Jill is not dead. She's one of the most beloved characters in the series, and even if Capcom did have the balls to do that, they wouldn't drop that big of a bomb in a trailer. RE5 is doing the same thing MGS does, release trailers that we think reveal major spoilers, but it's just meant to get us talking about the game.

Also the story in RE is so ridiculous that if it wasn't for the outstanding gameplay I would've lost intrest in the series after RE3. Resident Evil was all about a house! A haunted house with zombies. Which is why it's called Resident Evil.

The second and third game make sense because they take place in the town but at the end of the third game they blow up the whole damn city! Which puts an end to everything. But nope, now Umbrella is somehow world wide and controls the whole planet? Come on man.
My brother loves Resident Evil and Silent Hill. I don't know how he can play those games, they scare the shit out of me!!!
Any good horror story should always be prepared to kill its favorite character, if an audience knows the protagonist will survive it kills the suspense. I'm still not sure she's dead, but it would be a good move.
Wes said:
Also the story in RE is so ridiculous that if it wasn't for the outstanding gameplay I would've lost intrest in the series after RE3. Resident Evil was all about a house! A haunted house with zombies. Which is why it's called Resident Evil.

The second and third game make sense because they take place in the town but at the end of the third game they blow up the whole damn city! Which puts an end to everything. But nope, now Umbrella is somehow world wide and controls the whole planet? Come on man.

Which is why Silent Hill will always be the better series :wink:

Seriously, Silent Hill hasn't become corny even though the voice acting is horribly out dated. There's maybe one or two cheesy lines in the game but RE is full of it!

"Here's a lock pick, i might come in handy for you, the master of unlocking."

"It's not just a poisonous snake, IZ A MOOOONSTUR!"

"You were almost a Jill Sandwich!"

"NOOO! DON'T GOOOO!!!!!!11"
Now that I think about it Devil May Cry is full of cheesy lines and it's also made by Capcom.

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