PLease help me with my decision


Am i too late to buy a xbox coause i got the ps2 when it came out and always wanted a xbox but now i think it maybye too late is it?
No it isnt too late, lots of great games are still being brought out for the Xbox, there are a few very good games on the Xbox depending on what kind of game you like, it has a good range of FPS games and a few other good games from different genres thrown in, the good thing about this all of the good games will be really cheap to buy now they are a few years old :D
Obeta said:
No it isnt too late, lots of great games are still being brought out for the Xbox, there are a few very good games on the Xbox depending on what kind of game you like, it has a good range of FPS games and a few other good games from different genres thrown in, the good thing about this all of the good games will be really cheap to buy now they are a few years old :D

I like racing games and shooters the reason i was gonna buy one is coz of project gotham racing
I like also xbox and aswell think that you should not carry on with PS2 playing and buy xbox and start xbox playing instead of PS2 playing coz it's too late not yet now 2 start with xbox playing and 2 stop with PS2 playing.
I would say save your money for one of the next generation systems. I've always thought the ps2 was superior to the xbox, and if you have the ps2, i think it would be a waste of money to get the xbox.
TheNesMan said:
I would say save your money for one of the next generation systems. I've always thought the ps2 was superior to the xbox, and if you have the ps2, i think it would be a waste of money to get the xbox.

Yearh that's what i thought
Defenitely save your money. Unless you can find an XBox used - which is a possibility now that the 360 is out - you should just buy a 360. You can play regular XBox games on the 360, and there are some upcoming 360 titles that look original and fun. Search you local paper's classifieds, and maybe check out a Gamestop if you're interested in a used XBox. Gamestop is good because they stand behind their used merchandise, so you're unlikely to get ripped off.

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