Nostalgia Time!


I woke up this morning feeling pretty nostaligc. It doesn't happen often, but every now and then it hits me like a ton of bricks and I have to talk to somebody about it. Because most people I know would look at me like I was crazy for mentioning some of these things I thought I'd bring the chat here, where odds are SOMEBODY will remember these things with as much fondness as I do.
So anyway, without further ado, anybody remember these cheezy-ass cartoons?
You know, like James Bond Jr.

Or maybe The Centurions

No? Then you HAVE to remember Tales from thr Crypt Keeper...

And whose '90s childhood wasn't complete without watching Biker Mice from Mars every day?
I remember all but i also remember hating james bond jr. I preferred the robocop show instead

Any you guys remember this?

"Hey master chief, Captain power here. I would like my suit back please"
Totally miss Tales of the Crypt Keeper...

Half of YTV's former line-up, former Nickelodeon's lineup, some of Family Channel's cartoons...

How did cartoons go from the golden age to this crap?
The acceleration of popular culture thanks to the internet has made me nostalgic for things like people blogging about Lady Gaga's Telephone video...


tweets about The Human Centipede...

and my Facebook friends talking about Betty White hosting SNL.

It really sucks.
Lady Gaga the hermaphrodite. I still remember when that debate was going on. Why it only feels like yesterday when I discovered she had a penis.... LOL. It wasn't that much of a shocker though since I assumed she was a drag queen when I first saw her.

Seriously though, there should be a rule where you can't feel nostalgic about something until it's at least 10 years old. People feel nostalgic because it reminds them of a time where they were younger and life just somehow felt easier.
Oh man, The Wind in the Willows! That takes me back. I remember reading that book and going on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride like 20 times at Disneyworld
HK-47 said:
Thomas the Tank Engine?
Man, I still have the train set and all that jazz from way back.

I've come full circle as an adult and get to play with this on Sundays. (The very one in the picture!)


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