New Vegas DLC


So the first time I played New Vegas it didn't grip me at all, I didn't get very far into the game (about the first third of the second act). I never got any of the DLC except for the GRA one, so my question is, is there an order I should do these 4 DLC packs in, or should I just download them all and install them and do it that way? I really don't know anything about the contents of any of the DLC packs, so I turn to you guys!

Something about the second playthrough of this game is not nearly as unenjoyable as I remember it to
They're all actually quite difficult, so it's probably a better idea to take them on when you're a higher level. Besides that, doing them in order of release is probably the best way to do it.

And New Vegas is really one of the best RPGs of the last few years in terms of substance, so it could've just been overwhelming? I dunno, but it does have a sort of slow start.
Longo_2_guns said:
And New Vegas is really one of the best RPGs of the last few years in terms of substance, so it could've just been overwhelming?
Sure, if by "overwhelming" you mean "boooooring."

I've also started playing it some more, this time on PC (Steam). You might as well install all of the DLC you have, because they'll all give you extra perks to choose from, more items, higher level cap, and their quests are all tucked away from the rest of the game as to not interfere.

It took me a while to realize that using the console for anything disables the achievements in this game, so that's why it looks like I haven't done jack squat after 21 hours of play.
If you get the DLC I would suggest doing them in the order they were released in. During the last steam sale I bought them all at once and the first one I played was old world blues which was really good. The other ones while good on their own were just ok after that. So save the best for last, so to speak.

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