Name your favorite Classic Games!

Holy hell! This topic is old.

I like SK's choice Mario Paint was a lot of fun when I played it at one of my friends house around 12 years ago or so... but I always used to play this game on the computer called Captain Keen or something... that was an awesome game, along with Pipe Dreams.
spacey !!!

fav old school game would have to be space invaders !!!

i mean like i got 10 different space invader t shirts lol

by the way im a pinball and video game technician , remember those old sit down coffee table games ? one time i had around 40 of them , frogger , donkey kong , pacman , galaga , 1942 etc etc
Hmm.. avoiding the obvious, I'd have to say King's Quest.. I put so much time into those...

Oohh and Monster Bash. (a old PC game where you play as a kid with a slingshot battling Zombies and rescuing pets from the evil Count.) ;)
I think N64 qualifies as Classic Gaming in 2010.

I'm playing No Mercy with the TNA vs ROH mods

Bryan Danielson (or Daniel Bryan) vs AJ Styles! Fun as ever
We should dubbed chris, the necropostmaster!


remember? that one game by Molyneux when he had hair.
#1 all-time favorite old school game: Duck Hunt.

I remember my cousin getting a Nintendo for his birthday, getting a hold that gun, and never wanting to let go. I still make people play it when we have parties at our house.

A few of my other favorites include:
Rampage (Arcade)
Mario Kart (SNES)
Starcraft (PC)
Command & Conquer (PC)
Twisted Metal (PS)
abe's oddysee/exodus ***super mario RPG**pokemon red/blue***rad racer***nba jam***wwf royal rumble***tecmo bowl***dk country 1,2,and 3*** double dragon 1 and 2***earthworm jim 1 & 2***maniac mansion
Turtles in Time - put a shitton of quarters into the arcade machine until I got the snes version for my bday one year then played the shit out of that.
Gotta name Chrono Trigger too.
All the typical NES games probably as well.

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