My awards have a first name, it's O-S-C-A-R


The 84th Academy Awards are on right now, anyone watching?


Where is everybody? Hmmm, maybe you're all talking about Silent Hill Downpour in General...

Anyways, here are the nominations for best picture...
The Artist
The Descendants
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
The Help
Midnight in Paris
The Tree of Life
War Horse

Out of that list, I'd like to see it go to Moneyball or Tree of Life. but it'll probably go to The Artist since the Academy is just a bunch of pretentious old farts.

Although my favortie dramatic film of the year was 50/50 and it's BS that it didn't make the cut.
I've only seen two of the nominated films. Kind of a shitty year for movies. My favorite was Attack the Block.
Yesssssss Attack the Block was amazing. But this is the Oscars not the best WTF moment at the MTV movie awards.

*sigh* the Oscars are for smart-asses and MTV movie awards are for dumb-asses. Why can't there be an even middle for guys like us Used? Just regular everydays asses.
Yeah, by the time the oscars are happening, I've never seen more than one or two of the movies. I do like watching it for the production and the speeches, however. And I can make many educated predictions. :p
I agree with Bill Simmons (who may not have originated this idea) that the Oscars should be awarded 5-10 years after the year that the movies came out. I think, by then, it's more apparent which movie was the best. A lot of these award winners lack any sort of lasting impact.
I watched a bit of it. Somebody was playing a vuvuzela the whole time, which was annoying.
Loved The Help, but that's because I watched it at my grandparents'. I don't keep up with new movies unless someone is buying them for me.
I read about SB Cohen. Was pretty funny! That's the only part I keyed into really.
That's why nobody here cared when the nominations were announced Wicked. Because the oscars are terrible. I have no interest in seeing a silent film. Maybe if I were 50.
Lethean, it is time. Time for you to relinquish all titles and admin rights back to GR.
You were the worst leader at the worst time, but your time is now over. You must give back everything that you have taken, a sacrifice unto the gods who've watched over us since our humble beginnings.
As you well know, this is part of the circle of life for those who take up the mantle of a GR admin*; you aren't the first and will not be the last. Moderators the likes of tno, Kaanch, maca2kx and so on, have all come and gone during our time. Now it is your time, and you too must go, forever.
This is the way it's always been, the die is cast. It is your time to leave us.
You may log in once every 7 months with a 2 thread maximum, 3 post maximum allocation, but nothing more as is tradition.

Lethean, my good man, you were the worst leader at the worst time. Wait, I've said that already, though it bears repeating. Don't bother Googling 'bears repeating', I'm correct in my spelling. We had expected, well, certainly not great things of you, no, but a modicum of competence, yes. You have not delivered. Under your reign of absolute horror and terror, our numbers have only dwindled. In a room of half a dozen or so, a dozen on a good day, you're the only one laughing at your jokes, and instead of a customary 'lol', you type 'lawl'. We're here to say No More. It's time. Into the volcano you go, you must pay the ultimate price.
As is tradition.

We won't forget you soon. Adios.

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Piano Tuners' Union, Local 412

*For the uninitiated, every so often, every 5 years or so, the members of the GR forums come together and decide which admin's to get thrown off the island.
Trust No One was thrown out by committee
Kaanchtoofan retired in disgrace after it had been learned he was abusing his powers and influence to foster a relationship with a real life ogre behind our backs.
maca2kx left when when Shane had stopped posting and his job was complete, the only moderator thus far to leave on a high note.
And Stal left after being stalked by Ugh. He legitimately feared for his life.
WickedLiquid said:
Although my favortie dramatic film of the year was 50/50 and it's BS that it didn't make the cut.

Seriously, with attack the block out of the nomination and 50/50, what's even the point of watching this? Heck, Tintin was nominated... for best original score... AND WHY THE HECK DID RANGO WIN! If Tintin Couldn't be nominated, then Kung-fu panda 2 should of won. I'm freaking serious, that movie made me cry.
Oh by the way, Albert knobbs deserve more award then it received. There i said it!

Jean Dujardin deserved all the awards. And i'm not saying that because i'm french or that he's been my idol on how to act at age 30. The artist is a great film darn it, stop hatin'! STOP COMPARING IT TO CRASH!
I don't mind the Artist.

It's just oscar bait, plain and simple. The type of film designed to win awards and give a false sense of magic and nostalgia.

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