MW2: Analysis of the Campaign


FIRST: Watch to see the reasoning and how I built on Nicholas Werner's (Machinima) perspective.

IMO: I feel that MW2 should be praised as a great single-player game as well as multiplayer because of the new ground it broke during the length of the experience. Although many people find this as a 'shorter' campaign than most (it did in actual hours contrast to many other games out) but its still filled with things that are never seen in games. It breaks every aspect of the 'common' FPS's storyline and plot changes and alters them so much that some people don't understand the magnitude of what Infinity Ward has done here.

I feel that, when you see what really goes on, and you actually take time to compare this campaign to others, you will find that this may be the first step into a new generation of how games will enhance their single-player adventure, to be more, almost, personal. IW steps into a new chapter that actually deals with how the player reacts to him failing so many times at completing a goal, and fighting so hard for his chance, and then dying suddenly. As the video states, it makes it so much more satisfying to get that final kill, and to end it once and for all...

But its not over there, obviously, some people see this game as having many 'holes' in it. Uneven specks of story and plot that don't seem exactly right. One may see this as a way of cutting corners by IW. To me, it says two things, one, that they want people to buy the next game to fill their craving after that last cliffhanger, and maybe find out about the 'holes' left by IW, to complete their experience. Two, that IW really thought out this process to show how, you are not omniscient (all knowing) and all powerful hero that most games set you out to be. You are just a single, lone person in a large war(something that the CoD franchise has really been building on since the original came out in Oct. 2003) , that doesn't necessarily have the ability to fill in all those plot ties until, maybe, a later enlightenment (ex. another game/expansion pack).

Just thought it would be interesting to delve deeper into the ground-breaking game that has been regarded by most as a mostly multiplayer work of art and show my opinion and hopefully have you guys to share yours (please read the entire post if you're going to comment :))

Thanks Nicholas Werner for giving me the real evidence I needed to get into this topic and put my thoughts to words.
But those gameplay mechanics are not really new though, not to mention the fact that they did the same thing to greater effect in the first game, with the U.S soldier who get's nuked.

I like what they added, and the ending fight with the Shepard was good, but to say that the single player campaign in terms of gameplay is something special is just wrong on so many levels. The story surrounding those mechanics are terrible and honestly, having characters axed so many times was basically becoming tedious. It turns into a game of anticipation, just waiting to see who will die next when your controlling them. Plus these scripted events have been plot driven before in other games. "Bioshock" is one example, where you see Atlas's escape pod blow up as he screams for his family, and later Andrew Ryan's incredible "reveal" bathes the entire game into a new light. I would also point out that "Bioshock" did these things subtly too. The dialogue in the game is arguably the reason why to push forward in the game. This did not go into the territory of insane plot twists either, everything in that games universe not only made sense, but was hinted at without us knowing it.

So from a storyline perspective it's horrible. From a gameplay mechanic it's actually not too bad. Your right in saying that incorporating "different" mechanics for different levels is a bold step to do in some ways, but the items discussed in that video are really nothing new. If you want my opinion though, it's the "No Russian" Mission that really goes into how games can change how they tell stories, disabling the run button, scripted events that force you to fire at will on innocent people, that is something different. Just like the sniper mission and the Nuclear blasted American soldier back in the first "Modern Warfare." Those sequences mean something more than changing gameplay mechanics, and while the end fight can get people involved in a good way because of what is described in that video, at the same time the lunacy of the entire end fight itself to that point is basically killing any real momentum or reward.

I still say the single player is terrible. It's short, cliched, boring and basically a roller coaster ride at best. But what they do right with the scripted sequences is not really new, it's just how they use it. And while I feel "Modern Warfare 2" tried to top itself in the end, it just became a muddled mess overall.
Right. Well, have fun with your 4 hour crapfest.

I'll be over here playing games that don't suck.
stop kidding yourself buddy. you paid 60 bucks for what should of been a 30 dollar download or expanison. stop trying to justify yourself.

mean time, i'll be playing assassin's creed 2 and uncharted 2.
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
stop kidding yourself buddy. you paid 60 bucks for what should of been a 30 dollar download or expanison. stop trying to justify yourself.

mean time, i'll be playing assassin's creed 2 and uncharted 2.
I'm happy I paid a 60 dollar price for a game that I will be playing for DAYS of time, on SP MP and Spec Ops. I'm just talking about one part of a multi-faceted game that I believe deserves more credits than it gets.
needs more credit than it deserves??? are you brain dead? did you suffer blunt force trauma to the head?? did you eat paint chips? huff gasoline???

the media and internet has been all over this game saying how "godly great" it is. what, you expect everyone to bow down to it like a new religion and declare it the greatest thing ever? that what you want? is it? IS IT!!!??
Koala, I think you're missing the point here. I mean, it gives DAYS worth of entertainment. That's a lot of entertainment! It's less than weeks worth, but it's more than 4 hours worth.

I wish my video games gave me DAYS of entertainment.
true true, where would i be with my days worth of entertainment. my god!! days worth. why, thats more than one day! what ever was i thinking.
You're the only who's attempted to make a legitimate point, so yes.

Personally I enjoy the game, for what it's worth, a decent action shooter, but am not going to say things like "OMG like the game cause I said so"

And this game deserves more credit than it gets? Nope, it's sitting with a 94 on metacritic, which is probably overrated.
LinksOcarina said:
Am I the only one who has made a legitimate point so far or is it just me?

yes, yes you have, but hey, i'll make a legitimate point when he does. preferably when he's done talking out of his ass. game deserves more credit than it deserves. wtf?
I played the campaign for like 15 minutes and then skipped straight to multi-player and havent looked back. The MP is entertaining, but that alone doesn't make the game worth it. It would be a travesty if this game won GOTY over Assassins Creed 2 or Uncharted 2.
LinksOcarina said:
force you to fire at will on innocent people
I didn't put a single shot into a civilian.

I do like the overall storyline, but when you get right down to the nitty-gritty of the campaign, well sure it implements some unique aspects, but it's still flawed in the AI, voice work, and 'fun' categories. Most of the campaign is just you against legions of emotionless drones that instantaneously spot you when they enter their firing positions...sounds awfully like almost every other shooter out there. Not to mention there's some weapons that you'd have to be retarded to use.

I like a lot of parts of the gameplay and plot-twists, but the situations they pin you in are just plain moronic. Yes, let's charge into the room full of snipers with grenades and guys with shields and shotguns with no safe place to reload. We'd totally survive that in real life. -_-
De-Ting said:
LinksOcarina said:
force you to fire at will on innocent people
I didn't put a single shot into a civilian.
You missed all the fun then.

I took my time afterwards, going back and making sure everyone was dead, killing those crawling or twitching.

I replayed that level 4 times.
Awesome level.
It just didn't feel right. If they all had I <3 Zakhaev t-shirts on, then it'd be better. Or if they were all campers! Oh, what they could have done...
madster111 said:
De-Ting said:
LinksOcarina said:
force you to fire at will on innocent people
I didn't put a single shot into a civilian.
You missed all the fun then.

I took my time afterwards, going back and making sure everyone was dead, killing those crawling or twitching.

I replayed that level 4 times.
Awesome level.

That is a bit creepy.....
I liked the storyline of the MW2, and I liked the level variety. That being said, I hated many of the level designs.

Mountain Climbing, snowy stealth and high speed chase: Good.

Running through Brazil while BRs on the ground, inside buildings, on top of buildings, hiding behind doors and all shooting at you and you alone: Bad.

Sniping from a helicopter, sniping on the ground, storming the Gulag: Good

Fighting in burned out, cramped Washington DC as enemies are all around you hiding in the dark, but know where you are at all times, and your "team" just hugs the wall, forcing you out into the open and the only person willing to pull the trigger: Bad

Defending Nates and storming burger town to rain predators down on filthy Ruskies: Good

Walking down Mainstreet, USA and forced to storm a McMansion where there are two Russians behind every door and you assume its clear when you see your squad mate coming running out from the door without anyone shooting him, but you are riddled with bullets the second you peek: Bad

I guess what I'm saying is that the stealthy 141 levels were far more enjoyable then the "get through the city full of enemies as a one man army" were bad. But at least they didn't have that horrible neverending supply of enemies as in previous games.
^The Hornet's Nest (I think that's the level, in Brazil) does, in fact, have an endless amount of enemies if you don't charge head-first into a bazillion of them. That's one of the worst levels I have ever seen in a FPS.
I think a good number of you are pretty big douches when it comes to respecting someone else's opinion. You do realize that's essentially what you're bitching to this guy about, right?

Of course Longo is off the hook for just being Longo and awesome.

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