Microsoft to buy Dell(?)

People who like pre built PCs featuring Intel i7s? Or people who like Alienware? Dell does offer some pretty decent PCs now. I would never buy one as I much prefer building my own.
Was gonna say, Dell is quite a prestigious PC company in UK. Microsoft purchasing it is quite a big deal for me.

Put it in the News topic!! :p
Hey if they buy Dell perhaps they can improve their notoriously horrible customer support?

Though I don't know how Microsoft's is. Though really, anything is better than Dell's from what I'm told..
^All I know about Microsoft's is that Xbox's customer support is all outsourced to India. I'd rather have someone I could understand who is a total asshole over a nice Indian dude most days.
Lethean said:
People who like pre built PCs featuring Intel i7s?
For $900 more than any self-respecting PC user could build one for?

Honestly, building PC's is so idiot proof these days, i reckon most 80 year olds could do it.
madster111 said:
Lethean said:
People who like pre built PCs featuring Intel i7s?
For $900 more than any self-respecting PC user could build one for?

Honestly, building PC's is so idiot proof these days, i reckon most 80 year olds could do it.

It is but there's still a market for it. I'm not saying i'd buy a Dell or *any* pre-built PC but a lot of others will.

You can get a Studio XPS i7 build for about 1009 dollars. One guy at Neowin was doing a comparison with parts from newegg, and the newegg one ended up being 150 dollars cheaper.

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