Making of ...


I've been wondering this for quite a while. How many people are needed to create a game? I get it that it could be a one man project but that tends to last a bit too long. Just a bit though.

Started thinking about this after I've encountered a series of games called Penumbra made by a studio called Frictional games and their latest product which is called Amnesia: The Dark Descent. I must say ... these games are fu***** scary. Playing Resident Evil after is like playing Hello Kitty Island after a good dose of Silent Hill 2. They really nailed the 'scary' part. No weapons, dark corridors, against monsters the only option is to hide in the darkness, but then you descent into insanity and you have to think either about that or that the C'thulhu guy will rape you so hard that you'll shit sideways.

Either way ... I emphasize the word scary. Haven't been scared by a game since I've played Silent Hill.

The best part about these series is that they are made by handful of people. A core team and some external staff for music and such. So few people ... so good games (at least in my eyes).

So ... how many people do you think are needed, the bare minimum, to create a quality game? Of course we must take into account that the people you have are talented, devoted to their work etc. but still, I'd like to see your numbers. Sometimes I'm wishing for that I'd make a game on my own with people I'd love to work with and people who'd share my dream to create a good game. And I'd like to know how many people I'd need. :P
Around 20, bare minimum, for a full sized game like that. An indie game can be made with one guy. Anything else is the in between zone.
A team of 5 will do the job, albeit slowly.
Aim for 10 as a realistic minimum, with 15-20 being the ideal small group.

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