Indecision '012


Soaring Phoenix
I may have had half a bottle of apple pie flavored moonshine, but at least this time it's not incoherent rambling. (thank you iPhone autocorrect.)

Which presidential candidate do you think has the best platform this time around? Who do you think should be elected president in 2012? So far, I'm still wanting Mo'bama, but I'll reserve final judgement for about another year. However, (and I say this as a Texan) I do not want Rick Perry as our commander in chief.

I reserve the right to change the title of this topic if desired after my liver fights the good fight.

EDIT: title changed
This is... acceptable.

Personally, I think Obama has a better shot at getting shit passed than any other nominee. Though I can't vote anyway, so...
Until both sides can stop being whiny little bitches, refusing to let anything pass or agree on anything because the other side supports it, I don't care. The problem with American politics is the huge divide between parties and the idiots who swear total allegiance to one side or the other and don't meet in the grey area.

Whoever gets elected, nothing will change really. Someone will veto one bill, someone will pass another, the economy will fluctuate, some country will be warned not to do some stupid shit, one side will find shit to fling at the other, even over a good idea...Cats and dogs living together!
Lethean, those are my views exactly. My final drink of the night will be toasted in your honor.
Paradox said:
Lethean, those are my views exactly. My final drink of the night will be toasted in your honor.

I'm honoured. Especially since I'm on a month long hiatus from the sauce :(.
Agreed. If I had a drink or drank much, I'd do the same. But I have some Dr. Pepper left.

So the last of the good doctor is for you.
I'm just waiting for eyebrows to come and recommend us Ron Paul or whatever...

Personally, even though i HATE his stance on the whole palestine/israel problem, I'm still gonna vote for him cause I'm too afraid to let rick pary win.
That and he's not the best nor the worst president we had... but compare to the previous 8 years before him, he's still a godsend to me
Re: Paradox has been drinking. (Again)

Paradox said:
half a bottle of apple pie flavored moonshine

Not sure if this is a patriotic metaphor or a real thing. Unacceptable either way
The least popular Congress ever, that about sums it up. The Republican modus operandi is a refusal of progress. The GOP majority in Congress doesn't pass a thing and no one wants to be affiliated with our Pres, seen with our Pres or even photo'd shaking hands with our Pres.
Bipartisan politics were thrown out the window upon inauguration, and there's been no reaching across the aisle. Meanwhile, all Obama has done since getting in office was pass (a weakened) health care bill, which was his platform, repealed don't ask don't tell and put a bullet in Bin Laden's head. But he also continued the Bush tax cuts, which I still don't get. Why pander to the right? They wouldn't be seen standing next to you because it would hurt their political career, and here you're extending the Bush tax cuts?

I expected Obama to kick more right wing ass, quite honestly. But have you seen his competition? LOLOMGWTF, NO.
You can't get any further right than the current GOP grouping. John Wayne's reanimated corpse, maybe?
Even Reagan raised taxes 11 times, and had a health care all his own. So did Nixon. Yeah, that Nixon. And it was more "liberal" than Obama's.
These aren't your father's Republicans. These aren't even your angry, drunk stepfather's Republicans.

Bottom line for me, I'll continue to vote for my best self interests. And I'm no millionaire, so you can do the math.
400 super rich Americans control more wealth in the country than 150 million other Americans. Just the facts. If you're not one of those 400, what on earth are you doing voting for the other team? ... basically, yeah. Rich gotta get richer, I suppose. derp.

But the day I become a millionaire: yee-haw! Kill em, fire em, homo bash them--in that order.

but yeah, congress won't work with obama because it helps their agenda by not working with obama.
come time to hit the campaign trail, the gop will say, "obama hasn't done a thing for our economy!"
but of course, it's the republican congress who refuses pass every bill the pres tries to push through. It's all for the 2012 presidency run.

kick more ass, president.
I might not be American, but at least we can all agree that conspiracy theorists are retards.

Thank you Satan? More like nac ouy sey
I'll just stay out of it with longo. The silly leftist group-think in this thread (forum) is still pretty entertaining.

Sad fact is (this is to Lien) bush was a liberal president fiscally, it's what got us in this mess; the fact that obama merely continued it shows why it doesn't work. Socially liberal and fiscally conservative is what we need.

General David Petraeus, 2012!
WickedLiquid said:
I might not be American, but at least we can all agree that conspiracy theorists are retards.
Wicked Canada is on the North American continent, thus you are an American. :p

^^ pretty much this.

Google the term "fiscal conservative" and read a little, have yourself a laff because the deficit increases exponentially every time one enters the White House.

Cut Defense Spending today, it's a form of public welfare. Defense spending puts people to work in key voting districts, those voters in turn vote to keep their boy in Washington.
Their boy in Washington fights for more Defense Spending. See how this works?
We're fighting boxcutters with stealth helicopters. Defense spending. Yeah, okay. Glad to have gotten that out of the way.
You seem to think that I'm a republican, but the fact is there hasn't been a true fiscal conservative in the office since the 1920s.

You're looking at it the wrong way. A Fiscal conservative, now adays, would have no trouble cutting defense, pulling out of wars (ending the "world cop" crap, maybe france will step in), reign in wasteful spending, and generally reduce the government. A government is not meant to be "compassionate" except in the most extreme cases (natural disaster, etc.). yes that is a dig at welfare.

Frankly our government is an annoying middleman that makes the cost of living, hell the cost of everything go up. I understand that we need taxes for some things, but government involvement makes things worse because of the sluggishness and bloat of bureaucracy. Look at teachers unions and the public school system for example; we pay the most per student and get the worst education out of any modern nation. More money is not the answer; more competition is what we need.

SO I say we get someone like Ike back in office, an honest man. Petraeus 2012!
I seem to think you're a Republican?
[size=oh, wow]... [/size]

Stop signs. Roads driven to and from work. Tax dollars. Infrastructure.
Alternative fuel development? Jobs for tomorrow, you know?

NOPE, more bombs and jet fighters. Put Junior's name on the side of a rocket. Order 4,000 more.

"the fact is there hasn't been a true fiscal conservative in the office since 1920s"
straw man.
The right wing always runs on fiscal conservatism. Failure.
A "true" fiscal conservative? That's some spin you put on it, probably because the term has come to be associated with economic failure.

Petraeus. Flavor of the month? What you guys need is someone far more moderate.
Sure, add him to the gaggle for 2012, but Cut Defense Spending in 2011!
Re: Paradox has been drinking. (Again)

used44 said:
Not sure if this is a patriotic metaphor or a real thing. Unacceptable either way

It's real all right. It tastes like a 70 proof piece of apple pie in a mason jar. It even has a cinnamon stick in the jar.

And ladies and gents, here is the candidate who will get my vote:

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