IGN>Gamespot>Game Revolution

the only reason why I visit IGN and Gamespot are the video reviews, they're quick, easy, sometimes in HD, and they give you a better visual idea of how the game runs and sounds.

But GR is my humble home.
This is by search inquiries, right?

Anyone who searches for Gamespot, IGN, or Game Revolution rather than just inputting it to the address bar is a moron.
To me, GR is #2. My favourite is Gametrailers because they use videos and they're reviews are rated better (and they are in videos!). GR's forums are way better than GT's though.
Gametrailers is excellent, when it comes to videoes, the forums there however, are filled with 12 year old fan boys. Its almost as bad as the Gamespot forums. GR has the best forum, although it'd be nice if there were a bit more traffic and discussion.

The reviews here kick ass, the only downside is how long it takes to get them up.
GR is the ONLY game site i reguarly visit. IGN & Gamespot are too big and mighty with thier 'video reviews' and 'flashy menu's' .....GR FTW!
iv wouldnt say gr is box bias, and i like gametrailers but htey are way to generous on scoring games but there reviews arent bad, where as gr is always brutaly honest and hits the makr everytime
jivesc00ter said:
iv wouldnt say gr is box bias, and i like gametrailers but htey are way to generous on scoring games but there reviews arent bad, where as gr is always brutaly honest and hits the makr everytime
To me, it always seems GR is too hard on games, GT is almost always spot on with their reviews.
Anyway, ive always found Gr to be a very reliable site, ive actually used a few articles to help me out with school, also i find their reviews to be pretty accurate and very funny. Besides I don't see game trailers or game spot sending me a wii.
GR reviews are pretty much always bang on for me. I only come here for the reviews and the forum. I find anything else blows.

Although the recent Assassins Creed review is questionable.
GameRevolution writes the best reviews and has better forums. However, IGN eats up 99% of the websites out there because they don't just have games, but pretty much every facet of pop culture wrapped around their finger tips. They got some pretty damn good editors to back it up to. Gamespot's just Gamespot. It's there, but who's really gonna miss them if they go?
TheNesMan said:
I think the Assassin's Creed was bang on. IGN and the other review sites that put it in the 70's are morons.

the only reviews i disagree with are assassins creed and ace combat

while ace combats plot was a little... stretched, it was superior to creed's dream machine

switch there grades, maybe drop Ace combat to a B

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