Now you've just upset me about Sega and the Dreamcast.... :cry:
And the chinese weren't called "Chin" (china came from the miss read Zhong Guo, or "middle kingdom" by historians in the pre-renaissance era) nor did the russian were called "Rus" back then (Russia's old name, The "Rus' Khaganate" was named in the 9th century by the north men and only them).Longo_2_guns said:For the record, the Dreamcast was going to fail no matter what more or less due to the poor management behind it in many aspects.
Also, they weren't called Aztec. That name was placed on them much later and stuck.
Amen. Some links to prove itEyebrowsbv31 said:like a sandwich. Read cracked.com , seriously
Lien said:Hey guys, could you imagine a world where Birds walked the earth instead of us crustaceans? I think it would go something like this:
Present day
Gamerevolution forum
Lien said:Hey guys, could you imagine a world where crustaceans walked the earth instead of us reptiles? I think it would go something like this:
Present day
Gamerevolution forum
Lien said:Hey guys, could you imagine a world where reptiles walked the earth instead of us Platypus? I think it would go something like this:
Present day
Gamerevolution forum
Lien said:Hey guys, could you imagine a world where Platypus walked the earth instead of us Fungi? I think it would go something like this:
Present day
Gamerevolution forum
Lien said:Hey guys, could you imagine a world where Fungi walked the earth instead of us Plantaei? I think it would go something like this:
Present day
Gamerevolution forum
Lien said:Hey guys, could you imagine a world where Plantaei walked the earth instead of us Bacteria? I think it would go something like this:
Present day
Gamerevolution forum
Lien said:Hey guys, could you imagine a world where Bacteria walked the earth instead of us Archaea? I think it would go something like this:
ETC... etc... etc... etc...
Wow that was pretty cool!Lien said:Hey guys, could you imagine a world where Birds walked the earth instead of us Mamals? I think it would go something like this:
Present day
Gamerevolution forum
Lien said:Hey guys, could you imagine a world where Birds walked the earth instead of us crustaceans? I think it would go something like this:
Present day
Gamerevolution forum
Lien said:Hey guys, could you imagine a world where crustaceans walked the earth instead of us reptiles? I think it would go something like this:
Present day
Gamerevolution forum
Lien said:Hey guys, could you imagine a world where reptiles walked the earth instead of us Platypus? I think it would go something like this:
Present day
Gamerevolution forum
Lien said:Hey guys, could you imagine a world where Platypus walked the earth instead of us Fungi? I think it would go something like this:
Present day
Gamerevolution forum
Lien said:Hey guys, could you imagine a world where Fungi walked the earth instead of us Plantaei? I think it would go something like this:
Present day
Gamerevolution forum
Lien said:Hey guys, could you imagine a world where Plantaei walked the earth instead of us Bacteria? I think it would go something like this:
Present day
Gamerevolution forum
Lien said:Hey guys, could you imagine a world where Bacteria walked the earth instead of us Archaea? I think it would go something like this:
ETC... etc... etc... etc...
Times infinity... BAM! Best of GR Forum award please!