Humble Indie Bundle #2


I really hope this hasn't already been mentioned.

The Humble Indie Bundle #2 is now available for you to get for whatever price you deem fair.

I missed the last one and, were I not stuck in Zimbabwe, I would definitely pick this one up. Even if you aren't keen on all of the games surely the chance to pick up the pack for as little as $1 is appealing? I seem to recall the last one ended up being torrented all over the place by pirates who felt that paying what they liked for DRM free games was stupid. Bad connection aside I might still risk getting the pack and simply waiting till I'm back in Australia to download it.

Go get it!
They just added Humble Bundle 1 if you donate more than $7.47.

So this seems too good to be true. A game like Braid, that is normally what, ten dollars, you can get for just a dollar if you want to be cheap and only donate that amount? Same version, right on your hard drive?
I bought a code for a friend yesterday before they released the HIB 1 xD Oh well, I've also purchased myself a code. I think altogether I've spent about $50 with the majority going to Child's Play.

It does seem to good to be true but they seem to be raising an impressive amount. Also I love the picture that appears if you put in an amount under a dollar.
I bought it for 20, I don't even like indie games. Ah well. these are the type of people that should run the country or companies, we'd live in a perfect society if they did; the folks that paid a buck or less become politicians and Bobby Koticks.

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