How much is too much?

Ah, well in that case after living in Toronto I know certain Canadian censorship laws, and I know for a fact that when it comes to most television they don't censor it. South Park is still blipped unless the channel personally went out and bought the uncensored DVDs to play seeing as the episode is sent to the station with blips already put in, but when I was living in Canada Trailer Park Boys would come on TV at like 2 in the afternoon, and Trailer Park Boys is 100 times racier than South Park
I learned every curse word I ever wanted to know on the damned school bus in elementary school, as well as about 90% of the what goes on with the birds and the bees...sooooo, swearing on TV is really not that big of a deal in my eyes. If you don't want your kids to learn bad stuff, keep them away from their hoodlum classmates. I think they start fucking and blowing in eachother in about 6th grade these days, so there ya go.

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