How many games have you bought in the last month?


Just saw this poll on another site i visit not nearly as good as GR, (how many games have you bought in the last month) but when I calculated how many i have actually bought I was shocked and disappointed with myself.. I don't even play games that much, it's just an addiction. Though Uncharted 2 Multi has me pretty hooked.

Uncharted: Drakes Fortune
Uncharted 2
God of War Collection
NHL 10
Little Big Planet
Mario Kart DS
Grey's Anatomy DS (For the g/f i swear, my GOD what a terrible game)
New Super Mario DS
Wipeout HD

In a month :(

Only regret NHL 10 and Grey's though.. the rest = pretty worth it.

How much money do you waste on games?
BigZell2020 said:
Uncharted 2...still have yet to play it :facepalm:
Modern Warfare 2
Assassins Creed 2

It's hard for me to get into a game anymore, and i played through normal, and then hard in two days.Was gonna go for crushing the next, but then i discovered multiplayer and am so hooked.. every second of the game, multi and single is polished beyond belief...

Honestly... amazing game.. top 5 for me of all time probably.. play it..

i didn't play it until about 2 weeks after i bought it either.. because i was waiting for some time to myself where i could turn it up and enjoy eveyr cut scene and get immersed into it..

second play through i skipped the cut scenes and beat it in about 4-5 hours on hard... only complaint, too short without cutscenes, but do NOT skip them the first play through, will ruin the game
intoTheRain said:
Longo_2_guns said:
Assassin's Creed 2 Collectors Edition

That's it.

Is assassins creed 2 good? i hear pretty mixed reviews..

and i dunno what braid is
I really liked it. I mean, it's an improvement on the first, so if you didn't really like the first you might not like this one.
intoTheRain said:
BigZell2020 said:
Uncharted 2...still have yet to play it :facepalm:
Modern Warfare 2
Assassins Creed 2

It's hard for me to get into a game anymore, and i played through normal, and then hard in two days.Was gonna go for crushing the next, but then i discovered multiplayer and am so hooked.. every second of the game, multi and single is polished beyond belief...

Honestly... amazing game.. top 5 for me of all time probably.. play it..

i didn't play it until about 2 weeks after i bought it either.. because i was waiting for some time to myself where i could turn it up and enjoy eveyr cut scene and get immersed into it..

second play through i skipped the cut scenes and beat it in about 4-5 hours on hard... only complaint, too short without cutscenes, but do NOT skip them the first play through, will ruin the game

Definitely planning on playing it, it just came out in the middle of deer season so I didn't have free weekends to play. Now I'm working on AC2 and MW2 so Drake might have a while yet.
MW2 and, if you can believe it, The Legend of Zelda on the Wii Virtual Console. First time I've ever played it. Planning on buying Final Fantasy with the remaining $5.
I have actually bought just 3 games this year. Resident Evil 5, Fat Princess and lately Uncharted 2. Still planning on buying Dead Space before the year changes.
Considering the awesome games that have come out, I've been pretty poor. But mine are:

Peggle Nights...that's it!

It's close to Christmas too, so half the games I want now are on my Xmas list.

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