Guitar Hero World Tour or Rock Band 2??


so i need help... with rock band 2 being released in the next few days, i cant deciede if i want to get that or wait for guitar hero 4.. and right now i only have room for one drum set.

the biggest thing i like about guitar hero is the ability to create your own tracks.. but little info is known about it and we dont even know if thats going to be any good...

right now, i own rockband and i've downloaded a handfull of music for it already. and it was announced that rockband DLC will be playable on rockband 2.. so im leaning more rockband 2 because of that.

What do you think?
I would definitely go with RB2.

But, personally, I've played enough rhythm games in this generation. I find them stale now. Not bad games, obviously - there is some fun to be had. But not worth the money for me. I might as well play RB1 or GHII or III. I'd get the same enjoyment from it.
If the drums can't be used in GH4, I'd go with RB2. If you can use the drums in Guitar Hero 4, I'd wait. Not to necessarily buy the game, but once they're both out, you can make a more appropriate decision.
Longo_2_guns said:
Rock Band 2 definitely. No one is going to get Guitar Hero World Tour because it will be bad.
I will.
Because even if i DO get Rock Band 2 (i do want it), i wont be able to use the fucker anyway because i will have no updates and no DLC..etc.
The good thing about Guitar Hero?
It's actually released in other countries.

Unless they release RB2 in Australia, theres going to be about..oh, i dont know, 4 ish million people buying Guitar Hero 4 - about 90% of which would all kill for RB2 to be released here.
Harmonix need to get their fucking act together, unless they just don't want a few extra million sales.

the only reason i want it is for the drums - drums are kickass and i want to be able to play them.
Now that GH4 is a rip off of RB, i can play drums without having to spend $500 on postage from the UK.
im interested in getting one of these, but i have to be honest all i really want to play is the guitar!

can the games songs and campaign be played with just the guitar??

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