grandmagoodtimes said:
maca2kx said:
grandmagoodtimes said:
I'm not a big fan of the Xbox controller. What's wrong with the Playstation controller?

I'm not a big fan of the PlayStation controller. What's wrong with the Xbox controller?

Yay for opinions.


I expected more from you man. Bad form.

It's true though, pull a hundred gamers off the street and ask them which controller they prefer and you'll probably get a roughly 50/50 split with each half citing the same points as their reasons for preferring one over the other. Neither controller has a particular edge that's undeniable to both groups, especially now that the Dual Shock 3 is coming out (or is out, I dunno) so both have rumble.

Yeah I'll give fighting games to the PS2 controller, the flatter buttons help with that. Although RPGs are all menu based so I don't see any difference there.
Well FK, if we're talking specifically, I meant a game called Shadow Hearts. It was a jap RPG where the attack option brought up a spinning thing in a wheel. If you stopped the hand in the right section of the wheel, then the attack would do more damage. Some times it was a thin slice of it you had to get it in and i liked the ps2's flat buttons for that.

Otherwise, I roll 360 controller. F'reel.
Longo_2_guns said:
I thought you got banned? Can you do whatever got you banned again? If not, just leave anyway.
no proof, therefore, you lied and made up that story.
good work..was slightly believable too.

the 360 version is better, only because of xbox live so i can play with friends..
if you don't have internet, or don't want to use the 1 month trial included with the game, get the PS3 version so you have slightly less slowdown when you explode 20 cars, with 50 cops shooting you.
madster111 said:
no proof, therefore, you lied and made up that story.
good work..was slightly believable too.
No, I just don't do what you tell me.

And you know the PS3 version has a trial online too? The only difference is it doesn't expire and you can do everything in the trial that you can do in the full thing.
Longo_2_guns said:
And you know the PS3 version has a trial online too? The only difference is it doesn't expire and you can do everything in the trial that you can do in the full thing.
lol the PSP Patapon trial lets you play (I think) the entire game, but you can't save. I just used powersave for a few days before I decided to buy it.
madster111 said:
the 360 version is better, only because of xbox live so i can play with friends...

Well I can do that too with my PS3 version :)
But you don't care because you're a flying fanboy with fire out of your arse :)

I've begun hearing about people that are having major issues with their copies of GTA IV, both 360 and PS3 version.
Freezing of games, and multiplayer that does not work...

*EDIT* ... x-for-ps3/

It looks like a small percentage of both 360 and PS3 owners that are experiencing freezing of the game.
That's probably like a couple tousand people :)
If I would have gotten this for the PS3 (and a PS3 along with it) I wouldn't have had the number of friends I have right now to play with.

So I wouldn't call him a fanboy... just practical.
StalfrosCC said:
If I would have gotten this for the PS3 (and a PS3 along with it) I wouldn't have had the number of friends I have right now to play with.

So I wouldn't call him a fanboy... just practical.
But you would still have friends to play with, that's the point. You can play with friends on both, so why say that once is better just because you can play with friends?

And Saying that Madster isn't a fanboy either means that you are stupid, in denial, or not looking at the full picture. I'm guessing that it's the last one.
I know all of 3 people (forums included- you and Tylzen) who have it on PS3 and about 32 people who have it on XBL who I can play with right now....

So.... I have to say that would be my practical choice. I wouldn't call madster a fanboy based just on that decision. No, I am not taking the full picture in to account.

Yo dey both like the exact same!!!! I was wonderin' which would look better. But what about load times?
Load times are shorter on PS3, once you do the installation which takes about 7mins you'll shave a few seconds off loads after that. I think thats worthwhile, but not enough for me to pick the PS3 copy. Would of been nice if they gave 360 owners the option.
Rekkie7 said:
Load times are shorter on PS3, once you do the installation which takes about 7mins you'll shave a few seconds off loads after that. I think thats worthwhile, but not enough for me to pick the PS3 copy. Would of been nice if they gave 360 owners the option.

I must be missing load times on the 360. They seem fine to me.
Rekkie7 said:
Load times are shorter on PS3, once you do the installation which takes about 7mins you'll shave a few seconds off loads after that. I think thats worthwhile, but not enough for me to pick the PS3 copy. Would of been nice if they gave 360 owners the option.

The 360 actually has a shorter load time. Other than that and the install, the only difference is online. And what do you mean 360 owners should be given the option to install? Installing games on a console defeats much of the purpose of console gaming in the first place.
God forbid if the load times are a few seconds longer on Console X than Console Y. I mean, who actually sits there and says "Hmmm, there goes a few seconds that I could have used playing the game if only I bought the other version." ?

JCD said:
Installing games on a console defeats much of the purpose of console gaming in the first place.

I couldn't agree more, but then again, I'm a PC gamer.
Played both versions, only noticed very subtle differences after my flatmate pointed them out (he's doing 3d design and notices small things) and still, it wasn't a big issue. This PS3/360 one-up manship is getting ridiculous now.

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