I will vote for Kirby once Kirby becomes available because all Links are better than Toon Link...yes, even Wand of Gamelon Link.
I will vote for Kirby once Kirby becomes available because all Links are better than Toon Link...yes, even Wand of Gamelon Link.

I like Toon Link. Well, I didn't at first, but he grew on me eventually. :P

Wind Waker is one of my favourite Zelda games purely because of the sailing aspect. As a Smash Bros. character, Toon Link is quite good and is considered superior to Adult Link (Toon Link is on the "C" tier rank while Adult Link is on the lower "D" rank).
Wind Waker is one of my favourite Zelda games purely because of the sailing aspect.

See, I'm in the exact opposite boat (WOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH). Sailing seemed long and drawn out (not Suikoden 4 bad, at least) and I never finished the game. I watched my wife play it and she has a habit of playing games only for an hour or two at a time, sometimes over days or even a week. At one point, the game's sailing became a complete chore for her and she wasted multiple hours just trying to figure out where to go next -- though this may be more of an issue with the game's story not having reminders anywhere (as far as I know) to let her know where to go.
Wind Waker is my favourite game!
The adventure, the lols...maybe needed more temples and stuff (stupid Gamecube mini discs!)

Here's to slaughter!! GO TOON LINKY!
Damn! Kirby knocks Toon Link right off the stage! Kirby wins!

Next round of the preliminaries, Dante versus Jackie Estacado!

@Paul Tamburro - could you please update the poll when you can? I'll update the thread shortly.
@Paul Tamburro - for some reason, I can't see the results of the poll unless I vote, and the rules state that I can't vote unless there is a tied vote (to prevent draws, and even then, my vote is randomized).

Could you please set it so that I can see the results without having to vote? Sorry to do that to you, man.
I'm not really familiar with Vyse either but honestly, I would love to play Skies of Arcadia. I've heard good things.

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