This is rather interesting since Jensen can have multiple builds, some for just raw power, others for stealth that will blow Fisher's skills out of the water. In either case, I think I have to give the edge to Adam Jensen.
This is rather interesting since Jensen can have multiple builds, some for just raw power, others for stealth that will blow Fisher's skills out of the water. In either case, I think I have to give the edge to Adam Jensen.

I can't vote (unless it's a tie, like the rules say, but even then my vote will be randomized), but I would say, in a straight up "fight", Adam Jensen would beat the hell out of Sam, simply because he is physically far superior due to his augmentations. I say this as an avid Splinter Cell fan and believing Sam Fisher is the better character story-wise. If Adam Jensen was pre-augmentation (so just human), then the fight would go to Sam Fisher.
If Adam Jensen was pre-augmentation (so just human), then the fight would go to Sam Fisher.

Oh, certainly. No contest there in my opinion. But since we pretty much really only get to interact with Jensen post-augmentation, I'm assuming that for the sake of the Rumble. And once he gets up there with the augments, he becomes either a beast, a shadow, or a mixture of the two. Fisher would get pasted.
Oh, certainly. No contest there in my opinion. But since we pretty much really only get to interact with Jensen post-augmentation, I'm assuming that for the sake of the Rumble. And once he gets up there with the augments, he becomes either a beast, a shadow, or a mixture of the two. Fisher would get pasted.

There's no way Sam could beat Adam in combat. However, Sam's a very smart, experienced and patient man. In this case, Sam would need to essentially outwit Adam. Don't get me wrong, Adam is also a very smart guy and Sam is clearly the underdog in this bout, but again, Sam has years of experience behind him.
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I voted for Adam Jensen because my first experience with Splinter Cell ever was the original game on PC and a bug that kept me from finishing the first area of the game. Sorry, just wasn't your day.
Hey guys! So unfortunately (much to my dismay), Sam Fisher got his arse kicked by Adam Jensen.

New round is up! Kratos versus Gene!

@Paul Tamburro - could you please update the poll when you can? Thank you in advanced. :)
Not gonna lie, but I know next to nothing about Gene (I never got to play Godhand) and as for God of War, I've never been a fan of the franchise.

The latest God of War coming soon for PS4 though has my interest, purely because the game play has been completely reconstructed from the ground up.

Still, "Godhand" sounds awesome, and I enjoy the thought of Gene punching Kratos in the face.
I believe that this next round should be a draw -- both characters are only shells of themselves until they reach the end game. I elect not to vote in this round.
I believe that this next round should be a draw -- both characters are only shells of themselves until they reach the end game. I elect not to vote in this round.

And you have every right to not vote, that's okay. However, there will be no draw. As I mentioned in the original post, if there is a tie, then I will throw in the winning vote which will be randomized via a number generator.

If there's ties, then that means certain characters will essentially automatically go on to the semi-finals without having to do a quarter finals match.
I know nothing about Shining Force, just as I knew nothing about Godhand, so while I missed voting for Kratos, I'm going to have to jump behind War in this case.

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