GR Gamepost's top 100 favorite games: The Countup Begins

I can't update the site right now for some reason, I'll just post the new 5 here for now.

50: Mario Kart 64

Genre: Racing
Platform: Nintendo 64
Release: 1997
Developer: Namcot
Publisher: Nintendo

The game that provided so much multiplayer fun for the SNES has returned in N64 form. Very much the same game in both single and multiplayer, more tracks, karts, characters and better visuals are now open to the gamers. Nintendo 64 gamers around the world got alot of fun from this title, and it remains a game some play to this day.

49: The Sims 2

Genre: Sim
Platform: Personal Computer, Playstation 2, Gamecube, Xbox
Release: 2004
Developer: Maxis
Publisher: EA Games

The first Sims game was an acquired taste, but it offered a interesting chance for gamers to simulate a life different from their own. The Sims 2 took that idea, and ran with it, expanding upon it in many directions and details. For those of you who are interested in simulating a life you want to live, but can not in real life, the Sims 2 is certainly the game for you.

48: Dragon Quest VIII

Genre: Role Playing Game
Platform: Playstation 2
Release: 2005
Developer: Level-5
Publisher: Square Enix

The Dragon Quest series has quietly been going on for a long time. Number 8 brought it back in the focus of the gaming world. The evil jester Dhoulmagus has stolen a scepter. You are the only person to not yet be cursed by this magic, and must hunt down the Jester to regain the kingdom as it was. In between you and this mission is a gigantic world and hours of RPG fun. A game no RPGer should miss out on.

47: Earthbound

Genre: Role Playing Game
Platform: Super Nintendo
Release: 1995
Developer: HAL Laboratory
Publisher: Nintendo

No quirky, cult RPG has managed to gain the following that Earthbound has. Ness is just your every day growing boy, until a meteor crashes nearby his home. It turns out to be a time capsule holding buzz buzz, who tells Ness of Giygas, a powerful being who has overtaken the world 10 years in the future. And then, the adventure begins to stop him. One of the weirdest games you will ever play, Earthbound is a adventure more should experience.

46: Tomb Raider

Genre: Third Person Shooter
Platform: Saturn, Playstation, PC
Release: 1996
Developer: Core
Publisher: Eidos

When gamers think the beginning of 3D gaming, they usually come back to Super Mario 64 and Tomb Raider. Though some aspects of the game are looked down upon today, when released, playstation gamers found it groundbreaking. You are Lara Croft, recovering a mysterious artifact from the tomb of Qualopec in Peru per the request of Jacqueline Natla. With some platformering, shooting, and puzzle solving, Tomb Raider stands as a truly revolutionary and fun game.
im expecting it to make the top ten, and I really think it deserves a top 5 spot. As for number 1...ill reserve judgement when I see it....
LinksOcarina said:
Tough field...

Chrono Trigger I thought would be higher, same with RE 2 and Pokemon. The favorites are going down quickly....

Yeah man pokemon should of been much higher too :(
Nice to see some classics like Pac Man and Super Mario Bros in the top half.

And just looking at Perfect Dark reminds me of all the great multiplayer fun back in the day. Of course I have even fonder memories of Goldeneye!
The_Joker said:
Sorry about the slow updates lately...been busy. I'll see if I can get a bunch done tomorrow.

Don't worry man, take your time and just have fun!

LinksOcarina said:
Pac Man and Super Mario Bros. are not in the top 10! Wow!

Yeah, but you should remember that while the games were revolutionary, they aren't on everyone's top 5 list which makes them low on this countdown. I mean, they're great games, but I would rank other games released in the past 10 years a lot higher.
I can't believe Sonic beat Sonic 2.

Heh. I like the description for Fatal Frame.. "You are a young college student, Miko Hinasaki..."
As I recall, the North American release stressed that she is older, where on the Japanese release I believe they came right out and said that she really is as young as she looks.:P:P

Anyway, very good job thus far Joker. You deserve a cookie.

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