GH:WT & RB2, Songs You Just Can't Beat


I've been playing Guitar Hero since it came out originally and so I'm hard pressed to find a song on guitar that I can't pass, so I've decided to take up the drums. I'm working on Expert on GH:WT and I gotta say, I just can't pass "Pull Me Under" by Dream Theater. My record is 43%. I'm sure I'm going to get it eventually, but as of right now, it just seems too far out of reach. Also "Trapped Under Ice" by Metallica is going to be rough on expert too. I barely passed it on hard :shock:

So, how about you guys? What songs have you tried where your end result is always you screaming at the tv?
spanky1113 said:
you screaming at the tv?
I was screaming because i failed Through The Fire and Flames on Guitar Hero III...i had 98 %, yes i was on expert.

So far most of the song in GHWT are easy for expert...that's if you know how to rock!
In Guitar Hero 3, I could never beat the final boss battle on Expert.. or Hard for that matter. I find Hard a little harder than Expert at some points.
^ My brother and I beat that by switching off and playing the parts we were good at. He played the intro, I played the verse and solo, he played the outro lol.

Good times.
I can do everything on both games in all their sequels except for TTFAF.
As for drums, i can do expert, and only fail on like, 30 percent of all the songs
Uver said:
I can do everything on both games in all their sequels except for TTFAF.
As for drums, i can do expert, and only fail on like, 30 percent of all the songs

but TTFAF is kind of easy now....yes. I said it.
I'm genuinely amazed when anyone can pass any of the songs on Expert. I have enough natural rhythm/gaming skill to pass most of the songs on Hard, but I just don't have the patience or will to practice up to the level of Expert. Bravo to those of you who do, i guess.
That fucker.......

Even if he did pass it with 100%, hes still a pompous fuck who should shut the hell up.

Plus contrary to the popular belief, no one cares.
Woot! Just beat "Pull Me Under" on drums on expert. It was just the one part I kept failing at. The rest of the song isn't too bad.

Next step: "Hot for Teacher" or "Trapped Under Ice"

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