Gaming Marathon


So after I got my tax refund I was able to purchase an Xbox 360. I had one two years ago but sold it to buy a new guitar. Anyway I've spent the past couple of days trying out all the great games I missed because I don't have a computer capable of running any game made after 2006. The point of this topic is Mass Effect. I have wanted to play it since I heard about it being made way back in 2006. I even went so far as to buy a PC copy only to discover that my computer cannot run it (which in fairness I should have already guessed) I didn't even attempt to return it as I was determined to hold on to it until I had a decent computer.

Now I have both the means and time to play it and have resolved to do it in a marathon. Callum, a good friend of mine, and I have agreed that in two weeks time we will sit down and play through it in one sitting. Obviously with such a game there are numerous side-quests so we have set the rule that we will only do the main quest unless one of the side-quests sounds like it will be very rewarding. Essentially we will not be sleeping until the game is complete.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to ways we can keep ourselves amused between load screens and elevator rides? (I've heard they can be interminable) Also any suggestions with regards to how we should complete the story? We haven't agreed on a good or evil character yet (probably will end up being good though as both of us struggle being evil in these sorts of games) Also please no spoilers. Thanks guys :)
Nurgey said:
Does anyone have any suggestions as to ways we can keep ourselves amused between load screens and elevator rides?
These would be the ideal times to eat/pee/poop/shower.
I've never played the game, but in one sitting with no sleep?
Red need LOTS of Red Bull.

I'm very jealous though, I do love a gaming marathon such as this one. RPG's are usually the best for them I find. FF marathons...SO good.
I'm ashamed to say that I had not even considered that. I though playing the sims would better prepare me for life. That's on the list now thanks De-Ting.

We've budgeted most of our pay for red-bull or a cheaper alternative. If we manage to stay awake for the entire game I do not think we will feel very well at all.
Amused during elevator scenes?

Change the camera angle so you're looking at one of the female characters behind.

BTW, you will not need red bull. Should take a maximum of 8 hours per playthrough, even with some side-quests.
Nurgey said:
Does anyone have any suggestions as to ways we can keep ourselves amused between load screens and elevator rides? (I've heard they can be interminable) Also any suggestions with regards to how we should complete the story? We haven't agreed on a good or evil character yet (probably will end up being good though as both of us struggle being evil in these sorts of games) Also please no spoilers. Thanks guys :)

You could play Rock-Paper-Scissors.

Oh, and I hope you go for one of the 'getting some' endings...
madster111 said:
Amused during elevator scenes?

Change the camera angle so you're looking at one of the female characters behind.

BTW, you will not need red bull. Should take a maximum of 8 hours per playthrough, even with some side-quests.

8 hours?! That's shit! I was thinking of getting this game. I'm not anymore -_-
Hmm 8 hours is VERY dissapointing. Maybe we shall pad it out with some of the side-quests then. To be honest though Callum and I are hardly the best at completing games. We have spent a large amount of Far Cry 2 simply admiring the scenery.

Tyrranis - We'll probably see how things go but I like your idea!

MattAY - If you're willing to wait two weeks I can give you my impressions of the games length?

Depending on how things go we might end up writing a blog about it? If anyone would wanna read something like that?
8 hours? Yeah, if you're an idiot and ignore 2/3rds of the game. Which, obviously, Madster is and did.
The main quest is awfully short, you guys should hit at least some side-quests or it won't be much of a marathon.

You should also stream it live if you have a capture card, i would definitely watch it :)
You've inspired me to go on a Zelda marathon!!!

Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess...

This weekend is gonna be off the fucking CHAIN!
Tykk, sadly we don't have the internet connection necessary for live capture :( I'll see if we can't update the blog every 3 hours or something to see how things go.

MattAY that sounds like a great idea :D Let us know how it goes!

Right so after some discussion we've decided we will also attempt side-quests provided BOTH parties agree to doing the side-quest. If it sounds like it will be an interesting one we'll do it. We're also trying to come up with a list of healthy snack alternatives so we don't both die of scurvy or somesuch during the marathon.
Yeah, but they've been shaped into little cuboids.

Just proves how British I am -_-
H'okay here are the finalised times for this marathon.

Starting on Sunday the 30th of August at noonish. We will begin a new game of Mass Effect on normal. The character will in all likeliehood be male but we might spend anywhere from a few minutes to half an hour arguing about the presence and position of scars. From then on we will play 3 hours each before passing the controller. Every six hours the xbox will be switched off to allow it to cool down for 30 minutes (I have an '06 model and am terrified of the RRoD)

This thirty minutes will also be downtime for us where we can eat, poop and do anything else that needs to be done (such as replenish our food supplies). Really the only set rule is that neither of us may sleep until the game is complete. Although our main focus is the main quest whether we complete side quests will be decided on a case by case basis.

I went into town today to buy the game but unfortunately nowhere I went had a copy. We're gonna hit Fremantle tomorrow in a bid to find it.

P.S Those three hour gaps will also allow us to update the blog and hopefully entertain you guys as we get more and more sleep deprived. :)
Please then be so good and take the following days a good rest. :)

Don't wish to get my fellow GR comrades to be injured or! fatally wounded because of sleep deprivation, which could cause the possibility of mixing fantasy with real life. And no ... in real life getting hit with a bomb doesn't let you loose 50% of your life bar. :D
Longo_2_guns said:
8 hours? Yeah, if you're an idiot and ignore 2/3rds of the game. Which, obviously, Madster is and did.

No. 8 Hours if you've completed it 4 times already and know exactly what to do.

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