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It's 2:20 am and I just finished the last of three Capture the Flag matches on Black Ops. Before that, I was sinking a few minutes into Dark Void. This isn't a terribly common occurrence for me, but I had finished with all my Saturday activities. I do usually play games at night though. I'm not much of a sleeper anyway, and if I do get sleepy that means the games have done their job in winding me down.

What time do you find for gaming? Are you managing your Smurf village throughout the day on your phone or do you play at night like me? Do you play before work (I've been known to do this)? After school gamer? Share here.
After work and on weekends. I have a simple life. work 9-5 then eat, then play...everyday. Whenever I have a hangover, a good long game and levelling on any RPG is a great cure for me!
I'm like you, Used. My normal bedtime is somewhere between 3 and 4 AM so when my roommate goes to bed (around midnight) I tend to either flip on some Dragon Age or Dead Space 2. If I don't feel like playing either of those I turn on Netflix and log into WoW for a while. Night time gaming is quickly becoming my favorite thing to do just because you don't feel like a dick for ignoring your friends and you still get your gaming fix for the day.
My gametime usually exists for an hour or so when I first get home from work. My boys usually ask me the moment I come in the door. We limit their time to when I'm home for the most part.

Then once we put them to bed, if there is nothing on TV and my wife is busy with work projects...then I'll play. I've been playing a lot lately, since she's been pretty busy. Which is alright since I've had a lot of good games to play.
I try to play during work but ultimately my playtime becomes work with review builds and things like that.... Trying to get into a more regular schedule though.
whenever i don't have mountains of homework and a girlfriend to make happy. so yeah, not very often anymore.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Wait, Leth. Is the baby already here? And if


NickKmet said:
whenever i don't have mountains of homework and a girlfriend to make happy. so yeah, not very often anymore.

Nick, this could be a new challenge. I'm pretty sure it's every mans fantasy to play games during sex??.....Find a way my friend...FIND A WAY!...

....then TEACH US!
I play whenever. I don't really have a designated time, I just play when I don't have anything else that needs doing...which translates to, I play most of the day.
De-Ting said:
I play whenever. I don't really have a designated time, I just play when I don't have anything else that needs doing...which translates to, I play most of the day.
My friend's brother has gotten dome several times while playing WoW. he said it was just as awesome as it sounds, especially mid-raid.
She is going to break a LOT of hearts when she grows up. You should indoctrinate her to join a nunnery, fast!

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