Favorite Video Game Series?


After pondering over it for quite some time and playing around with the order, weighing everything...I think I've come up with a pretty solid list for my personal top 25 favorite video game series. What are yours?

Notes: I have to have played at least three games in a series in order for me to count it as a series I've played. With apologies to Valve, until you learn how to count to three, you can't be here. Also, I don't count expansions or DLC as new entrances. Half Life would most certainly be on this list, very high up might I add, if I counted Episode 1 and 2 as standalone games, but I do not. Same with Starcraft - Brood War - Starcraft 2, it's not a series yet for me.

In order...

Final Fantasy
Metal Gear Solid
God of War
Deus Ex
Resident Evil
Assassin's Creed
Grand Theft Auto
Silent Hill
Splinter Cell
Medal of Honor
Ratchet and Clank
James Bond
Street Fighter
Star Wars: Jedi Knight
Crash Bandicoot
Backyard Sports

Post yours!
Nice list! I think I'll agree with your number 1 and 2 ;)

I'll just do a top 10 from the top of my head:

1. Final Fantasy
2. Metal Gear Solid
3. Devil May Cry
4. Zelda
5. Halo
6. Donkey Kong Country
7. Resident Evil
8. Crash Bandicoot
9. Prince of Persia
10. Tiger Woods PGA Tour
Metal Gear Solid for sure. With the exception of MGS2 I've loved every game in the series. It's because of MGS that I've become a huge fan of games that play out like movies.

Silent Hill 1-3 were excellent pychological head trips. I really like the Twin Peaks vibe they were going for in the first game while the second and third draws inspiration from Jacob's Ladder. There was nothing really like Silent Hill at the time even though survival horror was pretty common.

Zelda games can't fail. From Link to the Past to Skyward Sword a Zelda game always delivers.

Ofcourse Final Fantasy. 13 was very polarizing and 14 was.... wait, did you forget there was a 14? Yes, there was. I'm sure everyone has a different favorite game and while I haven't played 1-6 I have played 7-10 and 12. I can see why everyone loves each one in their own way because they're all unique and enjoyable.

Everyone loves GTA. Although I like Bully over San Andreas and I like Red Dead over GTA4. Regardless, I still find myself addicted to GTA.

God of War was a great game, then they turned Kratos into a douche in the second game and by the third he became as unlikeable as possible. Excellent gameplay, epic on all levels, but the story hurt the series and throughout the third game I was just disturbed at what I was doing.

And of course Super Mario. There's just something about great platforming that ignites the gamer in all of us, isn't there?
no particular order.....
Elder Scrolls
Assassin's Creed
Metal Gear Solid
Mass Effect
Gears of War
Can I count The Witcher if I include the books?

Besides that:
Ace Combat
Shin Megami Tensei

That's... it.
Classic style Mega Man games. For some reason I can't enjoy the X series or other spin-offs as much.

Doom. The series I've been playing a lot recently. The hellish imaginary and heavy music tunes left a permanent mark on me when I played them as a younger self.

Mario. Fun gameplay, memorable characters and interesting worlds to discover. Too bad the lack of Wii has kept me from playing the Galaxy games. They seem really good.
I dunno if I can come up with quite that extensive of an ordered list but I know my top for sure is Zelda. sooo

1. Zelda
In pretty much any order after that
Heroes of Might and Magic
Elder Scrolls
RTS Warcrafts
Resident Evil
KOTORs (even including the mmo)
Phantasy Star games (the originals kind of suck but anything PSO and after I love)
And StarFox as well though I've only played snes and 64/3ds and the GC platformer. I actually did enjoy the GC platformer quite a bit though.
Half life series
Kingdom hearts series
GTA series
Crysis series
Bioshock series
Deus Ex series(except the 2nd game but most people treat it like a ginger adopted child)

Can I just wrap all the major mmos since ultima online up into one series? :lol:
I try to think of franchises or series I really like but I tend not to get all lovey dovey about specific runs anymore. I certainly like Assassin's Creed a lot and stuff like Mario and Zelda are great, but every single franchise has some particular entry that is an utter disappointment.

Also you kind of have to let that stuff go when you're reviewing because if you don't then you start blindly defending games because of their past and not their present.
danielrbischoff said:
I try to think of franchises or series I really like but I tend not to get all lovey dovey about specific runs anymore. I certainly like Assassin's Creed a lot and stuff like Mario and Zelda are great, but every single franchise has some particular entry that is an utter disappointment.
I remember the time I was on the podcast, and there was a question of a series which has continued to be great. And I panicked because I honestly couldn't think of a single series that doesn't have the black sheep shit one.
Off the top of my head I'd say...

Final Fantasy
Dragon Quest
Shining in the Darkness
Half Life
Star Wars
Longo_2_guns said:
I remember the time I was on the podcast, and there was a question of a series which has continued to be great. And I panicked because I honestly couldn't think of a single series that doesn't have the black sheep shit one.
The way I look at it, I can take any one of the franchises listed in this thread and say to myself "Do I really LOVE every single game here?" The answer is, invariably, no.

Fuck, I'm starting to sound like Longo. What is wrong with me?
Of course there is always going to be one bad one but in this case I was looking at the sum of the series rather than each individual title in the series
I will admit as much as I hated assasins creed 1 the dev definitely has made each iteration a improvement with revelations being a very good game in my book(amen to story as well)
Longo_2_guns said:
danielrbischoff said:
I try to think of franchises or series I really like but I tend not to get all lovey dovey about specific runs anymore. I certainly like Assassin's Creed a lot and stuff like Mario and Zelda are great, but every single franchise has some particular entry that is an utter disappointment.
I remember the time I was on the podcast, and there was a question of a series which has continued to be great. And I panicked because I honestly couldn't think of a single series that doesn't have the black sheep shit one.

yeah, there really aren't any franchises that I can think of that didn't shit all over themselves at one point or another. Maybe the Witcher? Except it's only been two games, so that's a no go. Nope, got nothing.
Pokemon, but only because the first was so solid...and then they never changed a thing.

More pokemans....uh, fight with two pokemans...uh, you're a chick now...
danielrbischoff said:
Longo_2_guns said:
I remember the time I was on the podcast, and there was a question of a series which has continued to be great. And I panicked because I honestly couldn't think of a single series that doesn't have the black sheep shit one.
The way I look at it, I can take any one of the franchises listed in this thread and say to myself "Do I really LOVE every single game here?" The answer is, invariably, no.

Fuck, I'm starting to sound like Longo. What is wrong with me?
You're realizing that I'm usually right about a lot of things. It's a normal thing, happens to everyone.
No order of most loved to least loved, just random

Super Smash Bros
Pokemon (just Red, Blue and Yellow)
Metal Gear Solid (As a kid I felt so accomplished passing the electric torture in MGS1)
Mass Effect (even though some say 2 sucked and 1 was the only good one I thoroughly enjoyed each game a lot and I haven't been that invested in a game's story in a while. Sure ME 3's ending sucked but the journey to it was great)
Half Life
Super Mario (cause, it's mario)
Medal of Honor
Crash Bandicoot (one of my fav platformers)
Ratchet & Clank
Jak & Dexter (well I only played the second one but I really liked Jak & Dexter 2)

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