Fallout 3 ending


Ok, so I beat Fallout 3 the other day. And let me talk about the ending. Isn't there supposed to be like 200 endings? there is only like 3 possible ones that i could foresee, but that's not the point, The chamber is heavily flooded in radiation so I thought I could just send in Fawkes, like earlier in the game, but NO! so I put on my radiation suit and take some Rad-x and go in. (I also had the rad resistance perk) so I'm in and I'm getting like 2 rads a sec. Then i see you need to put in a PASSCODE JUST TO BEAT THE GAME!!!!!! GAAAAAA!!!!!
so I figure out the passcode, and I die...that's it..... I'm dead...i even checked my rad level and it was at 140. I thought I did somethin wrong but that was the ending.... so that made me hate fallout. Another thing that got to was that since you were dead you cant play the game anymore to finish quests. Did anyone else get pissed at this? Please share your disapointment with me.
Oh yeah. I really wanted to keep playing. Terrible way to end a phenominal game. I guess it gives me a chance to make another, more traveled character. A little forewarning would have been nice though.

Got it, I will make Duke Ferris, the wasteland evil emperor and Nick Tan the neutral harbringer of death.

Hehehehe, now I just need to find the picture of Duke in his pirate outfit....
It was said, though not in game, that the end of the main questline would be the end of the game.

I felt that it wasn't big enough. Maybe it was long enough from simply a time standpoint, but the questline doesn't really drag you through the other areas, I missed a number of cities by the time the end of the game came around and it wasn't for lack of trying. The quests definitely didn't feel large in scope.
The ending is mostly the reason I did not give the game the coveted A+. You could possibly excuse the follower system because going solo is still the best way to go, but the ending just sucked out the grandness that the game is all about. The whole "war never changes" idea just isn't conceptually big enough to encapsulate the richness of the story - it had more of a footnote effect than a conclusion.

And really, the last thing you want out of a conclusion (or out of a concluding paragraph in any piece of writing) is a summary of what happened, especially in a game: I already know what happened. I'm the one who made it happen. Just tell me how my actions affected the world and put it on the same scale as the story - epic.
Again,a moment of truth from the grandmaster. Or to quote Herbet Daring Dashwood:

" Nick, you magnificient bastard!"

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