Far Cry 3 ending discussion *SPOILERS*


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I think the storyline can be summed up with the sentence "Can you do what it takes to meeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhh."

It starts out facing an interesting question of morality and humanity, then it very quickly sits on its own balls. It's such a great game and I'll never get tired of stalking fools in the jungle, but the storyline in so junk. Borderline racist too, with the magical black people and all.

Also, why was Vas in only four scenes. I kept hearing that FC3 had a super interesting villain, and he is, but he's really barely in the game.
As far as I know, Vaas wasn't originally planned for the game, and they threw him in more towards the end. Which explains his sudden death and all of that. It sucks, because he was actually a rather good antagonist for the first act.

Second island sucked, though.
I was really disappointed that fighting the privateers wasn't as difficult or interesting as fighting the pirates. By the second island I was god-mode, and the privateers didn't have any good AI or tactics. At least the pirates would charge you and throw fire, which could really fuck you up.
Yeah, I wrote in my review for PlayStation LifeStyle that "the protagonist and his cadre of trust-fund-wielding misfits are stupid as hell and suitably get themselves into trouble for it. Much marketed antagonist Vaas is colorfully crazy, but also a one-note fiend of violence and neuroses. When you’re tasked with retrieving your friends they reflect the harsh reality of their environment in desperation and cries for help. The voice behind your rifle laughs and predictably exclaims how awesome the last generic action set-piece was."

Seriously, why the fuck is it "Oh my god! I saved you, I was so worried" one second and "HAHAHAHA DIE DIE DIE! This is awesome!" The next?

I hate the protagonist in that game.
Oh and Longo is right. The guy who plays Vaas auditioned for another character, they liked his voice and delivery so much they wrote Vaas around his performance.
See, that might be part I kind of liked. I felt like Jason was going crazy. He was getting waaaay too excited to be killing. When Skrillex starts playing during the weed-burning piece, I was like, "oh this is what's playing in his head during the whole game."

But then there's no pay-off for it.
I enjoyed this game immensely. Gameplay was so much fun. I just love how each situation is unique, there isnt much repetition. EG you could be planning your seige on an outpost...it's going perfectly, then "BEAR!!"

I also enjoyed Jason's transition to going gun-crazy. But like Dan said, it was a bit too sudden.

I assume you played both endings? I chose to kill my friends first time - I was well gutted haha! (pun intended).

Second island can fuck off...although I loved Sam as a character.
The game was about a white, originally nonviolent, male taking drugs and getting high while dealing with his girlfriend. I can relate.

The second half of the game was redundant. Voss was the best part of the game.
I really did enjoy Far Cry 3. Like everyone else, for me it was all about the gameplay. It really was a lot of fun, must have pumped twenty or twenty five hours into the game.

Jason Brody really did annoy me as a protagonist and the storyline, while okay, was handled a bit poorly in some parts of the game. I did like the concept though and the idea of Jason going crazy, from scared little guy to possible psycho who could actually be enjoying what he's doing.

At the end (when you save your friends, if you choose to) I found it interesting how Citra was begging Jason to stay, trying to say things like "You'll go back to live boring lives" "You will be separated from your friends, they will have kids" blah blah. It kinda makes everything seem kinda, I dunno, contradicting in a sense.

I thought Vaas was a really cool villain, but it's such a shame he got killed off in the first half of the game. The second island, the privateers, that sucked compared to the first island with the pirates. Like used44 mentioned, you're pretty much godmode when you get to that island. Super sniper rifle, take some high ground, own everything.

I also have mixed feelings about the quick time event boss fights, with Buck, Vaas, Voyt etc... but God I HATED Buck. He was a man who well and truly deserved to die. Least the game did a good job on making me hate him. :P

Still, I thought it was an awesome game despite these issues. :P

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