Exclusive Video Games

I know, I've noticed that there has been somewhat of a debate over the issue of making console-exclusive video games ever since many former PS3 exclusive titles have been ported to the Xbox 360. The developers and publishers of these games defend this move by claiming that they are against the notion of making a video game only for a console that everyone dosen't have. I'm curious. Do any of you guys think that there should be exclusive titles for any console?
It's a huge factor on why to get a certain system. I don't think there should be any 3rd party exclusives (it annoys me, but it's part of the game), but I'm for 1st party exclusives.
It's just the way it works, so I'm fine with it. I'm all for competition between brands. I'm not one of those commies who think there should only be one console that all games are playable on.

It bums me out that I currently will not have a chance to play White Knight Chronicles, Valkyria Chronicles, Heavy Rain, LittleBigPLanet, etc, though...
From a business perspective, no there should not be exlcusives unless the manufacturing costs to get titles to the desired platforms will outweigh the added income generated by an extra platform.

From a buyer standpoint, exclusives were pretty irritating when I didn't own a PS3 but now that I have both a 360 and PS3 it doesn't matter. Really though the only PS3 exclusive I'd want is Uncharted for now anyways (If I didn't have MGS4 that would be one as well but I doubt Id lose any sleep over it.)
Meh. They didn't jump out and grab me. I may give them a rent. LBP is basically just a side scroller isn't it? (Rather, LBP didn't. I haven't even heard about Valkyrie Chronicles.)
^Yeah, you can move back and forth a little bit too, from what I've seen.

And don't be sayin' that the Xbox is taking all the games from the PS3. You guys f**king stole BioShock! The greatest game of 2007! A top 10 game here! Jeebus.
"Taking" games from each other in the form of ports or wide-releases is the silliest thing to get your fanboy panties in a bunch over.
keepithowitis said:
And don't be sayin' that the Xbox is taking all the games from the PS3. You guys f**king stole BioShock! The greatest game of 2007! A top 10 game here! Jeebus.
And Oblivion.
I don't mind making exclusive games for a console. It's a major factor in deciding which console to buy. If you are going to port every game for every console, what's the point of there being mutliple consoles if almost every game is available for each of those consoles.

Although, I don't think that there should be exclusive video for cell phones, or computer operating systems. Mainly because they cost more than game consoles, and do more things than just play video games.

I don't own a PS3, but I think that the reason why publishers are porting games to the 360 is mainly because of the lack of sales for the PS3, instead of being against exclusivity in consoles. You didn't hear this much talk on exclusivity in the previous console generation.

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