error with the review thingamabob

yo, GR dudes, there's a link for the ballad of gay tony but it doesn't work. what's up? i was looking foward to reading that shit. i played it and was totally frustrated and dissappointed with it so now i'm all hyped to read about you guys bashing it 'cause you're freakin' hilarious. for serial. is something broken? did you write something so terrible that you had to delete it? i don't see how it could get much worse than nailguns for jesus. you funny buttholes.
yo Avamour, its like these internet connections you have its terrible iight? Like, try refreshing the page yo. Fo serial nuttins' broken.

Oh and if you couldn't understand what that means, try refreshing your connection because it's perfectly fine for everyone (by everyone, I mean miak and I).
They didn't humiliate the game like you thought they would (don't know why you thought that), but Eduardo did another great review giving it an "A-"

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