Darth vader will say NO... again

Don't worry, in 5 years Mace Windu will be added in one of the last scenes of Return of the Jedi with Yoda, Obi-Wan and Anakin. Luke Skywalker won't know who he is and it won't serve any purpose to the scene, but we'll all be like OMG! IT'S MACE!

Also the Ewoks will all be CGI.
danielrbischoff said:

Because he hates you...

... and by that, I mean the fans of the original trilogy. We all make fun of Jar Jar Binks and now it's pay back. We'll see more of Jar Jar...

...in the original Star Wars...

...in the background...

...hanging out...

...with the rebels.
Fun Fact: George Lucas is insane. You guys think Indiana Jones was pretty bad because there were aliens? Well, according to George the movie didn't go far enough. He actually wanted to call it Indiana Jones and the Saucer Men. Spielberg didn't even want to do Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, it was all George's fault!

Don't believe me, see for yourself.
Wes said:
Fun Fact: George Lucas is insane. You guys think Indiana Jones was pretty bad because there were aliens? Well, according to George the movie didn't go far enough. He actually wanted to call it Indiana Jones and the Saucer Men. Spielberg didn't even want to do Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, it was all George's fault!

Don't believe me, see for yourself.

I will give credit to Lucas here, I liked the idea of it going into the B-movie territory. It was a nice twist on the genre.

That said, he should have done it on a different movie. Look at Cowboys and Aliens, they did this stuff well because the characters were good and the aliens were understated, there was not a lot of fluff or filler that was just ham-handed acting or action scenes that were impossible.
Aliens don't belong in an Indiana Jones movie. It would be like Dino Riders showing up in The Social Network and blowing up shit. Or robots in The Lord of the Rings blowing up shit. Or a bomb in Speed that blows up the other bomb under the bus before it can start blowing up shit.

And as for that title. I would've preferred Indiana Jones and The Raped Childhood over The Saucer Men
Yup, interdimensional beings don't belong in the ranks with Judeo-Christian artifacts, avenging angels, centuries-old Crusaders and Kali worshipping Thuggees. Too far fetched.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Yup, interdimensional beings don't belong in the ranks with Judeo-Christian artifacts, avenging angels, centuries-old Crusaders and Kali worshipping Thuggees. Too far fetched.

Haha perfect. I'd nominate this to Daniel in a more direct manner but I'm on my phone and too lazy to do so, so hopefully he'll see it.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Yup, interdimensional beings don't belong in the ranks with Judeo-Christian artifacts, avenging angels, centuries-old Crusaders and Kali worshipping Thuggees. Too far fetched.

I was going to post the exact same thing as Bret.

No, my problem with Indiana Jones 4 wasn't the aliens. It wasn't the refrigerator scene, or when they're riding on the jet thing, or the monkeys, or anything like that.

My problem with Indiana Jones 4 was that it was shit.
Shia LeBouf, making Indy a dad was what killed it for me. Lots of stupid dancing around and stupid conversations that should've been focused more on him and Marion.

The throw me a rope scene is still awesome. I loved the fridge, I loved the bad sound effects from the old movie. I even loved the bad Russian accents. But there were a lot of things wrong with that movie and it's easier to focus on the good.
Longo_2_guns said:
My problem with Indiana Jones 4 wasn't the aliens. It wasn't the refrigerator scene

Yes, that scene irked me very much. There is far-fetched and then there is down right ridiculous.
You guys are crazy. Do you realize what you're saying? Farfetched (aliens) vs. ridiculous (surviving an atomic bomb in a refrigerator)!

Let's just call it a push.
i kinda liked indiana jones 4. I don't like Shia LeBouf but it was still fun and entertaining just like the trilogy. But they're talking about doing a 5th one I think? I dunno about that.

I guess it's just too much to ask for Lucas to come up with an original idea instead of milking star wars for all it's worth. Well, i think he already milked it, now it's just a dead house covered in bruises :( that poor horse

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