

Anyone get it yet? I hear it's absolutely awesome but also incredibly short. When I get paid I'm probably gonna pick it up, it looks like it'll be fun and I loved the demo. What are your thoughts on it?
I tried the demo and thought it was pretty meh...Although it could just be because I'm getting tired of the look of the Unreal Engine.
I'm playing it right now. I don't know how many acts there are. Since Epic helped and used the Unreal Engine, I'm guessing 5 acts like always (could check the achievement list just in case). After a hour or less of playing, I'm on act 2 so this gives you an idea how short it is. This game is pretty fun so far. I enjoy the humor they try throwing out. After a while, you'll probably get bored (just like any other game). There's no multi-player, only co-op and a fight for leaderboard scores.

I wouldn't say this game is great, but it's pretty fun. I would probably rent it before buying it. The majority of people who bought this game is probably Xbox 360 users. Reason why? They're giving people Gears of War 3 beta.
I played the demo for about two minutes then deleted it. Didn't interest me at all.
It's fun, I'll give it that. Not much replay value for people like me without multiplayer access, though.
I rented it on Saturday and played it for about an hour. I played it for about two and a half hours on Sunday. I'm a couple chapters away from beating the game. This is by far one of the shortest games I've played in a long time. I don't know if it's because I tend to skip over the shooters that come out each year (still buying CoD of course) and go straight to the games with some meat on their bones, but I haven't blazed through a game this quickly since, well since I can't remember when.

Not to say it's not fun, it is a great time, but I'm super happy I rented it. $10 is all this game is really worth, and not $60. If they make some cool free DLC my opinion may be swayed, but definitely rent it.
Remember when we called Halo 3 short because you could complete it in like 6 hours?
Yeah. No multiplayer, average everything else and the ability to beat it within 4hrs? It'll be in the bargain bin for $20 in a couple months.
madster111 said:
Remember when we called Halo 3 short because you could complete it in like 6 hours?
Yeah. No multiplayer, average everything else and the ability to beat it within 4hrs? It'll be in the bargain bin for $20 in a couple months.

I really doubt that since it's from EPIC Games...
Dude, if you look at the models from UT3, GoW, and Bulletstorm they're identical. Epic honestly looks like they have the same designer for worlds, weapons, and characters in every single game. And what's with them and appearing to only release games by their immature not-so mastermind Cliffy B? His stories tend to suck., his games are short and disappointing, and the most original thing put into them is getting points for killing someone by shooting him up his butt. Which takes me back to the immature part.

I either want Epic to get new designers and start new IPs or they might as well drop out of the race, their games are no good anymore
Green_Lantern said:
Once they get rid of the Unreal engine, that should be fixed. Hopefully

No damn way that's happening. Unreal Engine is like the centerfold for games that don't have the time or the money to make their own.
Unreal isn't the problem, uninspired developers are. Finally played the demo and I wasn't impressed. In the least. I'll stick to Borderlands.
schimmel said:
And what's with them and appearing to only release games by their immature not-so mastermind Cliffy B? His stories tend to suck., his games are short and disappointing, and the most original thing put into them is getting points for killing someone by shooting him up his butt. Which takes me back to the immature part.

Obviously you haven't seen the focus groups they did for bulletstorm:

The unreal engine is both good and bad, there's a bunch of games that wouldn't exist without it but that's a positive and a negative. Sure it gives aspiring game designers to make a possibility next big thing like those unreal mod game contest epic does every so often but with the over dosage of the engine is becoming the game version of the 3D movie craze. Thankfully we don't really have to pay extra just to have our eyes hurt... or do we....
But I'll admit I'm a gears fan and I've enjoyed the unreal tournament series since the first but intelligently they're no Shakespeare but more of a Michael bay game production except I personally think the Gears plot isn't that bad (or bad at all, decent enough to make me care to buy each game)
Well, shit.

I was wrong before. I bought the GoD version during the big sale last month. It was only $5. My brother bought it then too and played through it quickly, praising it the whole time. Now he's restarting it. I just started playing it myself, and am a little past the part I saw him play to.

It is really really great. I think the problem with the demo (as happens often) is it just dropped you into the middle of a random level.

Starting from the beginning, it's just a total blast. You learn all these devious and stylish ways to kill enemies. You get to just play around with the enemies and the tools and just figure it out.

Get it cheap. Try it out.
Yeah, it was pretty fun. Saw some new stuff I didn't see in any other shooters like making combos from that whip. Wonder if Epic and People Can Fly would make another game. I got this game mainly for Gear of War 3 MP Beta, but it wasn't bad.

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