Anyone know anything about hamsters?


So my gf has gone away for two weeks and I've been tasked to watch her hamsters. The thing is these two things are fighting and one of them drew blood. She never mentioned anything about then fighting and I'm worried she'll come home and the psycho one will eat the other one or whatever the fuck they do.

Anyone have pet hamsters? How do I get them to be cool?
Believe me I do not like the job but she is really attached to them for some reason.

I'll go buy a ball, I think she had one I just forgot to get it.
You gotta keep em separated.

Hey-eh-hey, they don't mind, they're under 18 they won't be doing any time.

No seriously just keep em separated until she gets back then it's her problem.
one galaxy s4 + one Youtube account = Hamster Wars 2014: GF's Away Edition

Better than any of that "Watch us play" garbola.
As awesome as that sounds I don't want to jepordize my relationship with battle to the death YouTube videos.

And I can't separate them since I only have one tank.
I had hamsters when I was a lad. All the hamster literature said that hamsters are solitary creatures, and should be kept separate. Same sex pairs will fight, hetero pairs will make babies.

Do you have a plastic storage tub or something that you could feel with wood chips to be a temporary hamster home?
GiftedMonkey said:
All the hamster literature said that hamsters are solitary creatures, and should be kept separate.
Yet you go to Petsmart and they're all huddled together in one igloo.
My advice would be to just keep them both alive! Call her? She's the expert, right?
I used to have 3 gerbils. They are social animals and like to wrestle. Keep them active like longo said, and make sure they have plenty of water. When they don't have something they need they go bonkers. A cardboard dviide might work, but my gerbils would make short work of that thing, I'm talking maybe 3 minutes after you put it in it'll probably be mulch.
UrbanMasque said:
A cardboard dviide might work, but my gerbils would make short work of that thing, I'm talking maybe 3 minutes after you put it in it'll probably be mulch.
Had one hamster whose cage got pushed too close to a wall, and she started eating it.
UrbanMasque said:
A cardboard dviide might work, but my gerbils would make short work of that thing, I'm talking maybe 3 minutes after you put it in it'll probably be mulch.


After that failed I put the vicious one in a Rubbermaid container. I also got them a ball to run around in although my cat saw it and went crazy, kicking it and sending them flying. I'm bad at this...

GF called from TX and luckily did not want to skype due to getting sunburnt and feeling insecure about looking like a cherry tomato. So I just told her they were fine without having to show her that one is in lockdown.
Nobody got my Offspring reference.


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