
I really don't think this website would actually survive if people had to pay. What is there that you would want?
On the note of high-flo cats, I hate it when people refer to a catalytic converter as "cadillac converter". I mean, wtf, it sounds nothing like that. Whenever someone says "cadillac converters", it makes them sound like a hick that does not know how to read. If you cannot pronounce catalytic then either say "cat" or "catcon", not "cadillac". Every car doesn't have a cadillac hooked up to its exhaust.
Frodo_Bag_Feet said:
Duke_Ferris said:
it pays for our offices, our servers, our electric bill, and yes, my sports car (i just had an aftermarket high-flo cat installed. vroom.) :)

If by "sports car" you mean hatchback, and by hatchback I mean


Then yeah, that's believable.

Thats a sports car??Lol

FrozenBacon said:
On the note of high-flo cats, I hate it when people refer to a catalytic converter as "cadillac converter". I mean, wtf, it sounds nothing like that. Whenever someone says "cadillac converters", it makes them sound like a hick that does not know how to read. If you cannot pronounce catalytic then either say "cat" or "catcon", not "cadillac". Every car doesn't have a cadillac hooked up to its exhaust.

I've never heard anyone call it a cadillac converter. Where are you from that they say that?

On another note, I don't think I would pay for a membership. I'm not really a paying type of guy. So I say, keep up the ads, I just block them with firefox anyway.

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