60 seat majority is over

BigZell2020 said:
Eyebrows is like the GR political correspondent, you don't see him much but as soon as something happens with the GOP he's on it like flies on s***.

Unfortunately it's the exact opposite of you - Always around :P.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Lethean said:
Jesus. Inbred? Palinistas? Not everyone who supports the GOP supports Palin or is an inbred redneck.

What's stupid is this political divide that's preventing near as much from being accomplished as could be otherwise.

Only 11% of them are, Mass. voters are considered 51% independents, and 37% democrat. http://www.cnn.com/2010/OPINION/01/19/b ... index.html

What's stupid is that the President said this(introducing Biden): "After decades of steady work across the aisle, I know he'll be able to help me turn the page on the ugly partisanship in Washington, so we can bring Democrats and Republicans together to pass an agenda that works for the American people."

He has failed miserably, obama is as partisan as it comes, even though he ran as a center-left candidate. Now, finally, because this breaks the majority in the senate, he can either:

A. Lead as he promised, working to unite the parties and make a better America.

B. Forge ahead with a partisan agenda, coddle few republicans like O. Snowe (who is an awesome person) to pass bills, blame the Republicans for everything when/if it fails, get nothing done.

C. Do nothing.
It's funny because one of my main problems with Obama is he's been far too partisan and given far too much of a **** what the Republicans wanted. Instead of pushing through the bill he wanted he let congress argue it out and has pretty much gotten everything good dropped from the bill because of right wing objections and they still hate the bill. The right just hates Obama and it doesn't matter what he tries to push through, they'll try to destroy it and claim that it'll destroy America because he's a democrat. If the right aren't willing to compromise, I don't see why Obama should. It makes all the negotiation pointless.
Also, I don't know what you think the left beleives, but Obama is pretty center. Maybe to the left of Clinton, but that's not saying much.
Here's the thing - the Republicans care about one thing, and one thing only - and that's getting their power back. At the expense of attempting to compromise, or even put forward anything that is even marginally acceptable as an alternative to what the Democrats have on the table, they're simply going to filibuster everything in the Senate, and then when election time rolls around, claim the Democrats haven't done anything.

And of course, lacking any political balls, the DNC will refuse to point out that the reason nothing got done was because of, guess who, the Republicans. The Republicans will win back seats at the midterms, claim some sort of mandate, and fail to do anything, because all they seem to know how to do is say no, and explode the very notion that they actually want small government.

Every candidate that the tea baggers put forth will eventually sell his soul to lobbyists, and none of their goals will be achieved. etc, etc, etc, nothing changes. End of story. All because the fucking DNC is filled with a ton of whiny little bitches who need to actually hit back at the lies and bullshit the RNC puts out daily. Probably won't happen though, cause they can't seem to grow a pair. Ever.

/end rant.
^ what you two idiots need to understand is what you're accusing the right of is exactly the problem the left has as well. Both parties are total shit. Utter, complete shit.

And saying obama is a centrist is fucking laughable. He's Left, maybe not far left, but he's out there. The same way Bush was right, not far right, but out there. Any president that is on the extreme will not get anything done.

Free markets with no regulation do not work, republican fail.
Government controlled healthcare does not work well, democrat fail.

There is a center to everything, and the options are available, but what we have is a government of bickering idiots that believe their extreme is better.

The only reason I rag on the democrats so much is because you guys are so damn aligned to them that you refuse to see them as garbage that they are. If this was a heavily republican forum, I'd rag on the republicans just as much as I rag on the dems now.

We haven't had a good president since Ike.
Yeah, ok Eyebrows. Apparently I'm an idiot. Do I realize the super leftists are whacko? yes. But they aren't a majority in the Democratic Party and nor do they have much power except when they're needed to break a filibuster (which i guess turns out to be important when the republicans can choke their members into submission). The Republicans? That party is completely dominated by the extreme right, who have a choke-hold on everything the party does. There's a reason you don't see Republicans, even the moderates won't reach across the aisle at all.

Sure, I agree that the current health plan needs some work. It needs to be streamlined and they need to drop everything that isn't essential, like Obama proposed today. They should have done that at the beginning, but let it get too bloated. They didn't dominate coverage of the issue, and didn't try to counter the crap conservative commentators have been pushing since day 1. Frankly, they screwed themselves over.
why must ya insult everyone when they don't agree with ya eyebrows? thats something rush or keith would do, come on now. not they're fault that they think being a democrat is a good thing, not that a republican is any better. come on now. just lay of the insults. that doesn't promote your opions or justification any. no lad, instead it just makes ya sound like a annoying lil girl throwing a hissy fit when they don't get a new Barbie. you got good points, but those points don't help when ya insult everyone.

in short, stop being a dick.
I just think it's cute how you always bring up his alleged wish to annihilate blacks when someone mentions his name here.

But I thought the GOP/Palinistas/inbred comment was even funnier :)
Edit: You know what...I told myself a while a go I wouldn't get to political arguments online and really it was for a good reason. Believe what you want eyebrows, no matter how wrong it is :P
I do want to clarify though that I also hate the Democratic party. Just becuase I'm to the left don't lump me in with those jerks.
Ted_Wolff said:
I just think it's cute how you always bring up his alleged wish to annihilate blacks when someone mentions his name here.

But I thought the GOP/Palinistas/inbred comment was even funnier :)

Hey, I calls em how I sees em.

Besides, if this topic isn't flamebait I don't know what is.
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
why must ya insult everyone when they don't agree with ya eyebrows? thats something rush or keith would do, come on now. not they're fault that they think being a democrat is a good thing, not that a republican is any better. come on now. just lay of the insults. that doesn't promote your opions or justification any. no lad, instead it just makes ya sound like a annoying lil girl throwing a hissy fit when they don't get a new Barbie. you got good points, but those points don't help when ya insult everyone.

in short, stop being a dick.

Yet you never call stal out on this, I thought is was perfectly okay to insult everyone. In fact, I'll do that in ever post.

oh no, it's funny when stal does it. you know why? because i imagine that he gets so upset that his butt clenches up, his face gets all red, and his eyes get all buggy and that he gets sooo mad that the searing white hatred blocks his cognitive process and all he can do is swear and yell like a upset turrettes person gone postal.
Or the actual reality of Stal sitting at his desk saying to himself (and me over Gmail Chat): I'd get upset if the person wasn't such an idiot.

Although now I'm thinking of Stal's firm ass. Thanks a lot.

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